School Committees Respond to Anonymous Accusations Against Superintendent

School Committees Respond to Anonymous Accusations Against Superintendent

Members of the Amherst Regional School Committee discussing their response to a widely distributed, anonymous letter accusing School Superintendent E. Xiomara Harman of a variety of vague and unsubstantiated charges. (L-R) Superintendent E. Xiomara Herman, Sarabess Kenney, Chair, Amherst Regional School Committee, William Sherr, Anna Heard, Irv Rhodes. Photo: YouTube/Amherst Regional Public Schools ,

At the November 12 joint meeting of the Regional School Committee, Amherst School Committee, and Pelham School Committee, committee members released a statement in response to the anonymous complaints about Superintendent E. Xiomara Herman that were distributed to committee members and the press last week. The joint statement denounces the way the allegations about the superintendent were made and the fact that confidential information about a school employee was included with the letter.

In their discussion, school committee members and Herman emphasized that they and school officials encourage members of the community, employees, and students to bring forth concerns about the schools, and that there are several venues available to do this, but they decried the nonspecific and unsubstantiated accusations made in the unsigned letter.

“I have an open-door policy. I will meet with anyone who asks,” Herman stated during the meeting, and school committee members also indicated their willingness to hear concerns of the school community.

The joint School Committee response follows:

Joint Statement from the Amherst, Pelham, and Regional School Committees
Early last week, several members of the Amherst, Pelham, and Regional School Committees received an anonymous letter via postal mail, in an envelope with no return address. Included with the letter was a document that included the home address and Social Security number of a district staff member. The letter contained a number of allegations implying misconduct by the superintendent. The allegations were not specific, contained no details, and the letter made no mention of evidence or any way to follow up on the allegations. The letter was not signed.

We want to strongly state that the disclosing of confidential information of a district staff member is unacceptable. This matter has been referred to the Amherst Police Department for investigation.

In addition, we want to clearly express our disappointment in the actions of this community member. We acknowledge that change can be uncomfortable, but there are ways to address concerns that are transparent, accountable, and that aim to improve rather than destroy. The School Committees are committed to transparency, and to governance that serves the public. We want to hear concerns from any community member.

The School Committees give full support to Dr. Herman and her leadership and vision. This kind of personal and unsubstantiated attack has no place in the districts or the region, or anywhere.

Unanimously approved and voted November 12 2024. 

Margaret Stancer, Chair, Pelham School Committee
Sarah Marshall, Chair, Amherst School Committee
Sarahbess Kenney, Chair, Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee

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