High School Track and Field Redesign Approved by Planning Board and Conservation Commission

Proposed new track design (option 3c) for Amherst Regional High School. Photo: amherstma.gov
The plan for a north-south oriented eight-lane track with enclosed grass playing field and improved drainage and accessibility received unanimous approval from both the Planning Board and Conservation Commission at their meetings on Wednesday, December 4. The approval, along with the recommendation for additional funding from the four regional towns, leaves the project in a good position to go out to bid in January, 2025, with construction expected next summer.
Planning Board members were concerned about protecting the cement culvert that allows Tan Brook to run under the new track and field. Project manager Bob Peirent assured the board that SLR Associates included manhole access to the underground pipe to enable repairs to the culvert, should a future disruption occur. He said that the pipe is in good condition now and will be tested again during and after construction using video monitors.
The Planning Board waived the requirement for a traffic impact study, because the project will not alter the traffic pattern around the school. Peirent said the project was awaiting a determination of whether the existing restrooms at Community Field and in the high school meet accessibility requirements in terms of distance from the venue, or if a variance will be needed.
The Conservation Commission noted that the figures used for the depth to groundwater in the design were derived from averaging a few test pits. The designers plan to dig more test pits when the weather permits to get a more accurate picture of ground water depth at the site. If testing shows that the project design needs to be modified, the new design will also need Conservation Commission approval.
Both committees noted that the Fire Department required that the west parking lot between the high school and the track be available for fire vehicle access during construction. Peirent said that this would not be a problem.
The Finance Committee of the Town Council will review the recommendation for Amherst to devote another $800,000 from Community Preservation Act funding. Leverett and Shutesbury are also voting on additional CPA funding. Pelham has already approved an additional $99,000 for its share of the project.
Big thank you to Mr. Ziomek for helping move this project forward.
Still no javelin runway or discus cage and the net loss of one playing field.
Also still missing: bleachers, press box, equipment storage adjacent to the track/field and restrooms. Every other comparable high school has these: Northampton, Holyoke, Agawam, West Springfield, East Longmeadow just to name the ones I’ve seen recently.
Why spend money on a improved facility when you still won’t be able to host meets?
How come every school building project Amherst has completed for the past 40 years short changes athletics?
Has anyone involved in athletics or track & field been providing oversight for this project?
Could we see a draft of the management agreement for this facility between the schools and the town?
While 2 improved and better-maintained fields may be preferable to the 3 current fields we will lose with this design, it would be helpful to see the details of how that is going to be carried out and what the associated cost are. Will we be hiring more DPW parks/grounds employees?