New Appointments to Board of Assessors, CDBG Advisory Committee, Council on Aging, and Public Art Commission

Amherst Town Hall. Photo: Art Keene.
In memos to the Town Council and the Town Clerk dated December 2, 2024 and December 9, 2024, Town Manager Paul Bockelman recommended appointments to the Board of Assessors, and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Advisory Committee. The Council on Aging and The Public Art Commission. These appointments were endorsed unanimously (4-0 with one absent) at the December 12 meeting of the Town Services and Outreach Committee (TSO) and will come before the full Town Council for final approval at their meeting on December 16.
Board of Assessors
Nominated for a term ending June 30, 2028:
Ileana Carrion of Brookside Court
The board has responsibility for levying the property taxes necessary to meet Town Council appropriations.
Service on the Board of Assessors requires the member to complete basic courses of training and pass an examination prepared by the Commissioner of Revenue within one year following appointment. Continuing education is also required. ( )
Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee
Nominated for a two-year term ending June 30, 2026:
Olivia Keller of Barrett Hill Drive
Nominated for a three-year term ending June 30, 2027:
Andrew Hart of Pine Grove
The CDBG Advisory Committee, with assistance from town staff, oversees the public input process for Community Development Block Grants by holding public hearings and public meetings so that Amherst residents and boards & committees have an opportunity to discuss priorities and target areas. The CDBG Advisory Committee also solicits proposals from the community to help determine which projects receive funding. These proposals can be submitted by various parties, including but not limited to a single individual (i.e. a developer), a town board / committee, or a non-profit organization. Those interested in making a funding request are encouraged to contact town staff.
More information on the work of the CDBG Advisory Committee
Council on Aging
Nominated for a three-year term ending June 30, 2027
Ivette Palacin of Lessey Street
The Council acts as an advocate for the elderly of Amherst before local, state, and national bodies. The Council makes its recommendations to the Executive Director and the Town Manager.
Public Art Commission
Nominated for a two-year term ending on June 30, 2026:
Lynne Thompson of Trillium Way
Nominated for a three-year term ending June 30, 2027:
Charlene Choi of Maplewood Drive
The Public Art Commission fosters a greater community awareness of the interaction with public art, and through public art, promotes cultural diversity and an improved quality of life for Amherst’s citizens.
Biographical Profiles
The town manager provided the following biographical profiles for each of the nominees.
- Ileana Carrion is a life-long resident of the town with extensive experience in local and state government. Carrion said she has a deep appreciation for the town’s unique character, its diverse population, and the strong sense of community that defines it. She holds a Masters degree in Public Management from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelors degree in Public Health from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She currently works for the State Department of Public Health working with local boards of health and where she also the Department’s Racial Equity Steering Committee. She has held management positions for the cities of Greenfield and Holyoke and serves on the Board of Directors of the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
- Olivia Keller is a student at Amherst College pursuing a bachelors degree in Political Science and Environmental Studies. She is passionate about environmental, social impact, and human rights issues. She has been involved in numerous activities on campus including being a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council and the Community Standards Review Board. The interview team was impressed by her involvement in local issues which was evidenced by interning with the Town of Hadley’s Climate Action Committee and welcomed a student’s perspective in the decision-making process.
- Andrew Hart is a creative director, filmmaker, graphic designer, and audio producer. He brings extensive skills to the Committee including experience planning events and developing arts-focused educational programming at Hampshire College (former employee) and Amherst Cinema. As the parent of children in both the elementary and middle schools, Hart sees opportunities in working with the town to disseminate information more broadly and effectively.
- Ivette Palacin is an active user of the Senior Center who also teaches a rhythm and blues/funk movement dance class. She lives near the Senior Center and utilizes many services of the town including the food distribution at the Bangs Community Center and the Survival Center. She previously served on the Council on Aging and is interested in re-involving herself in the work of the council.
- Charlene Choi has directed and initiated cultural arts programming for over a decade in the region and nationally. She has worked with numerous organizations, academic departments, local businesses, artists, administrators, writers, editors, professors, and students. Some of these organizations include Flying Object in Hadley, Poetry at The Care Center in Holyoke, and Iowa Youth Writing in Iowa City. She has also worked with Amherst College, Smith College, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst on various projects. She hopes to help create and coordinate thriving public arts programming, cultural events, and performances in our culturally rich community.
- Lynne Thompson believes art in public places can bring communities together through mutual engagement. She has lived in the Town for nearly four decades and appreciates the way public art has been included in the town’s landscape. She is trained as a visual artist and worked as a graphic designer at the University of Massachusetts. She also served as a member and chair of the University’s Arts Council.