What’s in This Issue?

Photo: Dreamtime. Creative commons
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1. Council President Withheld Information From Colleagues by Maria Kopicki
2. Owners Say Big Y Will Remain if University Drive Overlay District Created by Maura Keene
3. Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: South Hadley by Hetty Startup
4.Library Commissioners Approve Second Jones Construction Deadline Extension by Jeff Lee
5.What Is a Student Home? Planning Board Adds Definition to ADU Bylaw by Maura Keene
- Amherst Cinema Presents Its 100th Bellwether Screening
- What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene
- Finance Committee Ponders Spending Potential Savings on School Project Instead of Passing Them on to Amherst Taxpayers by Maria Kopicki
- Letter: The UMass Foundation “Respectfully Denies” Our Right to a Future by Kevin A. Young and Brendan Post
- Shutesbury Road Solar Project Hits Roadblock by Maura Keene
- Charter Review Committee Will Emphasize Public Outreach by Anita Sarro
- Walkout at Amherst Schools in Support of Gender Equality and Reproductive Rights by Marisol Pierce Bonifaz
- Letter: The UMass Foundation “Respectfully Denies” Our Right to a Future by Kevin A. Young and Brendan Post
- Photos of the Week: Lighting of the Merry Maple by Hetty Startup and the Town of Amherst
- Amherst Cinema Presents Its 100th Bellwether Screening
- What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene
- Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Leverett (Part 2) by Hetty Startup and the Town of Amherst
- An Open Letter to U.S. Representative Jim McGovern Regarding the Jones Library Project by Jeff Lee
- Letter: Amherst’s Long Failure to Comply with Preservation Law by Sarah McKee
- Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Leverett (Part 2) by Hetty Startup
- An Open Letter to U.S. Representative Jim McGovern Regarding the Jones Library Project by Jeff Lee
- Letter: Amherst’s Long Failure to Comply with Preservation Law by Sarah McKee
- Is the Daily Hampshire Gazette Fair and Balanced? by Lou Conover
- Is the Daily Hampshire Gazette Fair and Balanced? by Lou Conover
- An Open Letter to U.S. Representative Jim McGovern Regarding the Jones Library Project by Jeff Lee
- Letter: Amherst’s Long Failure to Comply with Preservation Law by Sarah McKee
- Is the Daily Hampshire Gazette Fair and Balanced? by Lou Conover
- Opinion: Equity Under Attack by the Town of Amherst #4: Saving Amherst’s Community Responders Alternative to Policing by Allegra Clark, Debora Ferreira, Pat Ononibaku, Darius Cage, Russ Vernon-Jones, Brianna Owen, Ellisha Walker, and Tashina Bowen
- Opinion: Equity Under Attack by the Town of Amherst #4: Saving Amherst’s Community Responders Alternative to Policing by Allegra Clark, Debora Ferreira, Pat Ononibaku, Darius Cage, Russ Vernon-Jones, Brianna Owen, Ellisha Walker, and Tashina Bowen
- Finance Committee Ponders Spending Potential Savings on School Project Instead of Passing Them on to Amherst Taxpayers by Maria Kopicki
- Objections Raised to Four Roundabout Plan for South East Street by Maura Keene
- Walkout at Amherst Schools in Support of Gender Equality and Reproductive Rights by Marisol Pierce Bonifaz
- Town Seeks Input on Youth Empowerment Programming
- Walkout at Amherst Schools in Support of Gender Equality and Reproductive Rights by Marisol Pierce Bonifaz
- Letter: The UMass Foundation “Respectfully Denies” Our Right to a Future by Kevin A. Young and Brendan Post
- Opinion: Equity Under Attack by the Town of Amherst #4: Saving Amherst’s Community Responders Alternative to Policing by Allegra Clark, Debora Ferreira, Pat Ononibaku, Darius Cage, Russ Vernon-Jones, Brianna Owen, Ellisha Walker, and Tashina Bowen
- Finance Committee Ponders Spending Potential Savings on School Project Instead of Passing Them on to Amherst Taxpayers by Maria Kopicki
- Objections Raised to Four Roundabout Plan for South East Street by Maura Keene
- Shutesbury Road Solar Project Hits Roadblock by Maura Keene
- High School Track and Field Redesign Approved by Planning Board and Conservation Commission by Maura Keene
- Town Manager Receives High Marks in Annual Review by Art Keene
- Charter Review Committee Will Emphasize Public Outreach by Anita Sarro
- ZBA Hears Cases on Restaurant, Apartment, and Parking by Hilda Greenbaum
- Town Seeks Input on Youth Empowerment Programming
- New Appointments to Board of Assessors, CDBG Advisory Committee, Council on Aging, and Public Art Commission by Art Keene
- Opinion: Equity Under Attack by the Town of Amherst #4: Saving Amherst’s Community Responders Alternative to Policing by Allegra Clark, Debora Ferreira, Pat Ononibaku, Darius Cage, Russ Vernon-Jones, Brianna Owen, Ellisha Walker, and Tashina Bowen