Preliminary Survey Results for Amherst Housing Production Plan

Photo: Creative Commons
Open House on Tuesday, January 7
The Town of Amherst invites community members to participate in an upcoming open house on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, to share input that will help shape the future of housing in Amherst. The town is updating its Housing Production Plan (HPP) to chart a path toward addressing the housing needs of low- and moderate-income people in the Town.
The open house builds on other engagement opportunities including community forums, interviews, surveys, and meetings of public bodies. Most recently, the town conducted a public survey designed to gather community input on housing needs and preferences. The open house will discuss the survey results and welcome additional comments.
“An initial review of our survey results suggests that Amherst community members are deeply impacted by housing costs,” said Greg Richane, Amherst’s Associate Planner and Housing Coordinator. “This influence is represented in their regular experiences (58% of respondents reported experiencing a housing cost burden in the past year) and in the ways community members of all ages plan for the future, with housing costs noted as a significant factor in relocation and aging plans. Based on these factors, it’s not surprising that respondents prioritize a greater mix of price ranges for homes in Amherst.”
Preliminary Survey Results
The survey, conducted during the month of November, received responses from 327 residents. A deeper summary of the results will be presented at the open house.
Key findings include:
- 45% of residents responding to the survey indicated they are likely to move out of Amherst in the next five years:
- 58% of this group attributes the high cost of housing as a reason
- 40% are graduating from college in Amherst and planning to leave
- 55.7% of residents responding to the survey say that it is important for them to stay in Amherst as they age:
- 53% cite housing affordability as a necessary factor for them to stay
- 58% of residents responding to the survey have experienced a housing cost burden at least once in the past year:
- 39% of residents are consistently cost-burdened every month.
- The top three preferred housing initiatives are:
- Creating housing with a mix of price ranges
- Encouraging more housing options/choices/types city-wide; and
- Helping people stay in their current housing and community as they age
Open House for the Amherst Housing Production Plan
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 from 4:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Woodbury Room at Jones Library, 43 Amity Street
The Town of Amherst and Barrett Planning Group are hosting this open house session to further educate the public about the Housing Production Plan (HPP), share ideas at various activity stations, and help shape Amherst’s future housing goals. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend this session. Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be provided. There will also be coloring activities and interactive materials for children.
The purpose of a Housing Production Plan is to facilitate the development and preservation of affordable homes, including housing that meets the requirements of the state’s affordable housing law, commonly known as Chapter 40B. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) regulates HPPs, which are required to receive local adoption by the Planning Board and Council before submission to EOHLC for approval. HPPs have three essential elements including: 1) Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment, 2) Affordable Housing Goals, and 3) Implementation Strategies.