Letter: Call for More Attention to Youth Mental Health

mental health

Photo: Emily Underworld for Unsplash

by Ben Scott, Liam Worgess, Simen Chamoun

With rising rates of mental health issues in the youth population, there needs to be more attention and support from everyone, including schools, communities, and governments alike. Many teens today are struggling with issues like anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges, but they often get the impression that there is nowhere to turn. Councilors within school systems are usually overworked, mental health programs are underfunded, and sometimes the topic of mental health can be a touchy subject for young people to speak about. We need to make sure students are in a safe, comfortable environment to share personal struggles and get help. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and by putting more effort and gaining more awareness we can create a future where young people can feel understood, valued, and most importantly accepted. It’s not just their problem–it’s all of ours.

It is crucial that we bring this topic to the forefront of public discourse. An article addressing youth mental health could help raise awareness, reduce stigma, and provide valuable resources for those in need. Highlighting local organizations, support systems, and testimonials from young individuals could foster community and encourage open dialogue about mental well-being.

Your publication has a significant platform to influence perceptions and drive change in this area. Please consider dedicating space to an article focused on this vital topic, showcasing the importance of mental health support for our youth.

Ben Scott, Liam Worgess, Simen Chamoun

Ben Scott, Liam Worgess, Simen Chamoun are students at Amherst Regional High School

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