Letter: The Importance of Preserving Mother Amherst’s Living Room

Letter: The Importance of Preserving Mother Amherst’s Living Room

1929 photo of the main reading room at the Jones Library. Furnishings, floor coverings, art work and lighting created the ambiance of a Connecticut Valley home. Photo: Jones Library Historic Structures Report, amherstma.gov

The following letter was sent to Robert Peirent, The Massachusetts Historical Commission, and the Advisory. Council on Historic Preservation on January 29, 2025.

The purpose of the historic preservation of buildings is not just to save the buildings because they are old, but because they are important, or useful, or dare I say, loved. What is preserved is not just stone and wood, but also the way in which people interact with a
building. The Jones Library is not just important and useful, but also loved. It has been called Amherst’s living room. It has been a comfortable and welcoming space for almost 100 years, loved by generations of children and adults. The interior is beautiful and warm.

The proposed project will turn it into a cold, antiseptic space, and do so to conform to a concept of how a library interior should be designed, called open plan, that has been tried in other types of buildings and failed. The two elementary schools that Amherst is closing were designed as open plan, and walls and dividers were soon added. If the town proceeds with the demolition and enlargement of the Jones Library, what will be lost is not just the beautiful historic elements of a building, but also the warmth and comfort of a living

Lou Conover

Lou Conover is a resident of Amherst’s District 1

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1 thought on “Letter: The Importance of Preserving Mother Amherst’s Living Room

  1. I believe this photo shows the current children’s picture book room. Project plans keep this room exactly as it is. The stairs being removed are behind the left wall so the west children’s room can be a little larger. The fireplaces and beautiful woodwork will stay.

    The homey rooms on the first and second floors will still be homey. Planned open areas are in the new building, replacing the current atrium.

    I encourage people to take a look at the floorplans available online: https://www.joneslibrarycapitalcampaign.org/plans

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