How to Organize Under Authoritarian Creep in a Closing Civil Society

How to Organize Under Authoritarian Creep in a Closing Civil Society

Photo: Howard Weiss / Shutterstock

by Nadine Bloch

The following article, “How to Organize Under Authoritarian Creep in a Closing Civil Society” by Nadine Bloch appeared originally in Waging Nonviolence, on January 30, 2025. It is reposted here under Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0 International).

This article marks the first in a new Indy series entitled What Now? Strategies for Defeating Fascism. The column will explore ways that folks are organizing to fight back against the burgeoning authoritarianism and lawlessness that has infested our government. You can help us out by sharing information on planned or previously well-executed organizing and actions, or your own thoughts on what we can be doing to fend off the clear and present threats to our democracy and to our wellbeing.

With civil society under attack from a dehumanizing far-right government, it bears remembering: In crisis there is also opportunity.

As you read this, new executive orders are being signed, and old protections are being dismantled. Many of the frameworks and institutions of our aging democracy — more specifically, our representative republic — are being tested to the point of fraying or dissolution. We are being engulfed by a far-right dehumanizing government at all levels — executive, legislative, judicial.

While some progressive organizers and activists continue with “business as usual,” others are gripped with the question “What do we do now?” The truth is stark: We know the new president won by a slim 1.5 percent margin, with 19 million fewer voters participating compared to four years ago. We also hold that even though this was no MAGA mandate, it underscores a hard reality: Progressives lost the national election because there simply aren’t enough mobilized like-minded people overall. 

We didn’t get here overnight, or even in the past four years. A lack of effective relationship and solidarity building across class, color, gender, religious beliefs, sexuality, age, ability, culture and more is part of the problem. Another is the lack of alternative political parties that we can recognize as representing us — our values, our needs, our world view — to inspire us to engage. In short: No mandate, low engagement and the system is broken! 

Simply, we can’t do the same things as before because what we’ve done wasn’t enough. Living in these “interesting” times, it bears remembering that in crisis there is also opportunity.

We find ourselves in a closing space — our inclusive civil society under attack. There is an element of claustrophobia bearing down upon those of us who identify as progressive, social justice-minded, democracy advocates

What Does a Closing Civil Society Look Like? 
Literally, our options are increasingly limited. We may be told how to behave, how to dress, who we can associate with, what we can say and even what we can or cannot do with our own bodies. Personal choices may narrow as community organizations are threatened with lawsuits and economic sanctions — or they may be outlawed entirely, as freedom of expression, access to education and literature and the right to protest are curtailed. 

How Does Authoritarianism Show Up? 
Authoritarianism often manifests through the actions of an autocrat or a small group (oligarchy) desperate to maintain control over their population. Tactics like mass disinformation or fake news, along with scapegoating — blaming and dehumanizing and othering specific groups — are used to strike fear and justify restrictions on freedom of speech, association and personal autonomy. Disregard for the rule of law becomes routine, targeting free press and public institutions, paving the way for corruption and political retaliation. Courts are co-opted, and authorities use surveillance, imprisonment and violent repression to enforce compliance, or silence dissent. In such environments, an open and thriving civil society becomes little more than a distant dream.

In the U.S., an extreme storyline for 2025 could land with the military being deployed to crush a people power movement — or enforce unpopular policies, such as mass deportations, even though national law generally limits the military taking action against its own citizens.

How Do We Prevent this? 
Fortunately, history offers lessons from those who’ve faced — and defeated — authoritarian regimes. Their victories remind us that change is possible, even in the most oppressive circumstances.

Stories of Resistance: Lessons from Across the Globe
From Serbia to Chile, Denmark to the Philippines and Iran to Kenya — there are stories to learn from. The U.S. civil rights struggle offers insights for us now if we are willing to listen. Each of the mentioned highlights from the stories below have many more lessons to offer, so check out the linked information to continue distilling what you can apply today.

Read More: Overcoming Despair and Apathy to Win Democracy. (Waging Nonviolence)

Serbia: The civil protest group Otpor! grew from a handful of students outside of the mainstream into a broad movement that proved instrumental in overthrowing Slobodan Milosevic’s dictatorship in 2000 — and establishing a democracy in the process. Their youthful and humorous approach coupled with an expansive training program was key, as they trained 80,000 people (1.3 percent of the population) in just two years.

Chile: From 1973–1990, diverse groups — women, students, labor organizers, artists, churches, musicians and others — formed small, trusted affinity groups to be able to work under the radar and build a creative, resilient movement for a better future. Arts and culture with a focus on a safer, happier, inclusive vision for all of Chile were instrumental in winning the referendum that ended Augusto Pinochet’s brutal military regime.

Denmark: During World War II, the Danes used a “negotiation under protest” strategy to appear cooperative while subtly undermining Nazi plans, limiting destructive retaliation and preserving critical resources. A notable example of Danish resistance came from a 17-year-old, who — outraged by the seemingly passive response of his countrymen, wrote and distributed the “Danish 10 Commandments,” a set of widely regarded guidelines for engaging with the occupation. One of the most remarkable acts of resistance was sparked by a Nazi officer with a conscience who leaked information about the imminent deportation of Danish Jews. This act prompted a coordinated effort by Danish citizens to smuggle nearly 7,000 Jews to safety in Sweden overnight.

U.S. civil rights: Nonviolent action theory and practice were the strategic and philosophical cornerstones of the U.S. civil rights movement, expressed through training, as well as political education or citizenship schools. These commitments supported deep strategic understanding of power and economic disruption, leading to effective bus boycotts, lunch counter sit-ins and more. Training and preparation were key to overcoming fear and building long-term resilience and support from outraged allies.

Philippines: The 1983–86 Yellow Revolution in the Philippines was fueled by a commitment to nonviolent action from a cross section of the lower and middle economic classes of Filipino society. Long standing cultural organizing had already built a powerful general strike muscle effectively leveraged by the lower classes to address grievances. When the middle class was also trained in “people power” strategy and tactics, the Marcos regime fell. Targeted political education and low profile nonviolent action workshops enabled the “powerless” to analyze how to strategically challenge authority. 

KenyaIn 2024, Gen Z-led mass decentralized protests exposed corruption in President William Ruto’s regime, forcing him to reverse a controversial finance bill, widely seen as contrary to promises of development and opportunity. Key to the power of this youth-led movement was their ability to expose Ruto’s false populism from outside the traditional political parties and spectrum. By leveraging social media, and inspiration from other youth-led movements in Bangladesh and Nigeria, Kenyan youth forced policy reversals. They now face an ongoing challenge of how to bridge from this mobilizing force to institutionalizing or securing their power.

What Are the Takeaways for Us Right Now?
As we deal with the claustrophobia of our shrinking civic space, the foundational principles of effective organizing remain as essential as ever. These practices — critical, necessary and enduring — are the building blocks of a better world, and now is the time to revisit and strengthen them. 

It’s the right time to pause, take stock and recalibrate. To think, plan, innovate and get in shape — both literally and metaphysically. We are in unsettled territory right now, and the uncertainty of the current landscape demands reflection and flexibility. We’ll need to make space and time to assess the shifting terrain, avoid digging into our positions or getting distracted by the torrent of everyday assaults that we miss strategic adjustments that are needed. 

Openness to risk and the capacity to build support for courageous personal and organizational actions, needs to be at the heart of our work now. This is not a time for “sunshine activism” (i.e. actions that fall more into the category of symbolism or virtue signaling). Engagement may often be uncomfortable, even dangerous. It will help to acknowledge these risks upfront, whether they are physical, economic, reputational or emotional — and recognize that those taking such risks now might need to later shift as the assaults on our human rights grow. People need to be ready for — and supported in — taking strategic action to block imminent harms, defend useful institutions and build alternatives.

Let’s focus on building the crew we need to grow our people power. Perhaps this time we are not just “the resistance,” but rather the collaborators, the builders, the family and friends, the community of the future we want to see.

So, let’s go. Here’s the short list of tips and tools for protest under authoritarian creep (pun intended!):

1. Find Your People and Get a Crew Together! 
Don’t go it alone. Take care, work and process collectively. This is cardinal basic guidance for all change makers. Start with a small adaptable, decentralized group, one that’s nimble and responsive. Stay aware of — and connected to — like-minded groups or organizations to avoid spinning your wheels or duplicating efforts. Know that hierarchical and command/control centralized power structures are much easier to disrupt, while small groups are more flexible, easier to move and build trust and make decisions in.

There is much to learn from those who have been marginalized and harmed by our racist, sexist and oppressive systems. Many of us are here today because our people, our ancestors, took care of themselves and each other in times of crisis. Our power is with each other, built by collective action and within community relationships. 

Warning: Investing in building a vibrant, loving community doesn’t just build our political clout — it brings a myriad of other benefits. Side effects may include improved quality of life, enhanced mental health, greater happiness, increased resilience and the ability to achieve far more than we would working alone.

2. Figure out Your Lane and Speak Truth to Power 
Now you’ve got a crew: It’s time to figure out your lane. What are your strengths? What do you have to offer and, most importantly, what do you want or feel called to do? Define your role in the constellation of efforts to prevent harm, defend just institutions and build a better future.

Speak out clearly and with conviction. Call things as you see them; support those who do the same. Educate yourself and your community to recognize and combat misinformation and disinformation. Support independent, alternative and accurate media and reporting; create structures and processes to make lies, censorship and repression backfire. 

3. Get Your Formation in Order!
Figure out what you need to operate effectively: legal support, safety measures, communications strategies and other tangible and intangible resources and training. Assess risks and build capacity to handle challenges and ensure that any attempts at repression backfire.

It’s not only a new administration, it’s time to get in shape! Personally, organizationally, digitally and in real life. Strengthen your foundation by building relationships and trust to grow solidarity and resilience. Consider this as base-building to reduce reliance on the broken oligarchy system and invest in us — longer term, with mutual aid, health care, community gardens, kitchens, third spaces, tool libraries, collective childcare, elder care, alternative education and more! Explore alternative communication structures off-the-web, like mesh networks or non-trackable platforms to maintain secure connections.

Tangible community investments coupled with political education not only deliver on specific needs but also bridge from the stopping of immediate harms to defending useful institutions and creating the future we want to see. 

4. Vision and innovation
Leverage art and culture to challenge oppressive systems, build alternatives and offer an inclusive inspiring vision. Explore a range of tactics — from bold, direct action to subtle, indirect approaches — to inspire and mobilize.

Cultivate and share a positive vision of a future that has room for everyone who is willing to work together. Clear and inclusive messaging will help draw people in and foster collaboration. We need to inspire the millions who did not vote and are not yet engaged. Some of us need to focus on what happens when we win: How will we bridge to institutionalizing or solidifying inclusive and democratic power?

Do what you can to limit and block immediate harms while keeping the bigger picture of systemic change as the guiding vision. Adopt a big bold positive vision of the future that supports mass coordinated action when needed, and remains flexible to adjust as conditions evolve.

A few ideas to consider include pushing for a worker’s Economic Bill of Rights and calling for the direct election of the U.S. president (by eliminating the Electoral College in favor of direct votes) or the impeachment of an elected politician who is breaking laws. It’s also worth investing in the capacity to leverage disruption, perhaps with an eye to supporting the proposed coordinated contract/strike date of May 1, 2028.

5. Choose Strategically — Does This Action/Project Advance Your Overall Goals or Help Build Power for the Longer Term?
Get up to speed with strategic planning tools and methodologies. Invest in training and political education to prepare for clear, collective decision-making while dealing with risks and fears. Make strategic choices based on a longer term arc to support resilience and relationship building. Protest in an authoritarian context might require low-visibility, dispersed activities in some instances, or for some groups or vulnerable people to ensure safety. Expect repression to escalate and proactively invest in support as an integral part of campaigns.

6. Work with Aligned Partners 
Strengthen connections with established civic, religious, international and diverse communities and organizations. These relationships can help mobilize trusted leaders who can provide activists with cover or legitimacy when needed. Establish relationships with moderate civil society groups, especially to help meet immediate needs such as food, housing and safety. 

Though the going will not be easy (no rose colored glasses needed!), we will need to work to limit infighting and avoid doing the oppositions’ work for them. Presenting a unified front to the world is critical.

7. Be Like Water

Be flexible, responsive and use varied tactics. Get comfortable with holding many things at once — stay focused on specific actions, while always keeping the bigger picture in mind. Act locally, think nationally and globally. Cultivate a willingness and capacity to disrupt if needed, but maintain your flow!

It is all about lowering the bar to entry and preparing ourselves, our organizations, our elected leaders, our judicial systems and our funders to take risks. It’s worth repeating: We simply don’t have enough actively engaged people on the side of human rights and an inclusive future. Don’t be confused: Folks are generally supportive, but they have not been moved to action! A mix of factors — including misinformation and disinformation, grievance politics, capitalism/debt slavery, systemic racism, homophobia, sexism, ageism and a flawed and limited two party system of constitutional democracy — has left many opting out of using the power they do have to make change.

So, our core challenge is to increase our people power — politically, culturally and in every way — to transform our society into one that takes better care of all of us. If we fail to offer a vision that improves life for all of us, we risk alienating potential allies, who may even work against us. This is not a call to overlook racism, sexism, homophobia or other forms of oppression — we can and must address these alongside each other as we build inclusive movements.

To expand our groups, we should consider inviting and building with people we don’t usually work with — even those we may not currently like or appreciate. If there is a big lesson to take away from this recent election cycle, it is that we can NOT afford to write off folks who might be allies. We’ll need to meet folks where they are at and move them toward engaging from there. Success may even mean welcoming those who once voted for Trump and realize now that he and MAGA are the problem. Adaptability will be key to building a collective future. Be like water.

Darya Alikhani provided support/assistance to this story.

Nadine Bloch: As an activist artist, strategic nonviolent organizer, and Training Director of Beautiful Trouble, Nadine Bloch explores the potent intersection of art and people power. Find more of her writing in “Beautiful Trouble,” “SNAP: An Action Guide to Synergizing Nonviolent Action and Peacebuilding,” and “From Airtable to Zoom:An A-to-Z Guide to Digital Tech and Activism 2021.”

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2 thoughts on “How to Organize Under Authoritarian Creep in a Closing Civil Society

  1. I recommend actions urged by Indivisible/Move On/Working Families Party:

    The ASK to your US Senators: (Also thank them for keeping up the fight.)
    Note: As of 6 pm Thurs., the vote on Vought has not been taken.

    This week, between Monday and the vote on Vought, we’re asking people from all over the country to plan a visit to their U.S. Senators’ In-State Offices to demand Democrats fight and to hold Republicans accountable for their complicity.
    Yes, we need Democrats to vote no on Vought’s nomination, but no is not enough. Democrats have the power to grind Senate business to a halt and force Republicans to feel the political cost of backing Trump’s extremist agenda. Here’s how:
    Deny a Quorum: If Republicans don’t have 51 votes in the chamber, Democrats can walk out and shut down Senate business entirely.
    Block Unanimous Consent: Object to every procedural shortcut, forcing Republicans to take the longest possible route for every step of the confirmation process.
    Max Out Debate Time: Use all 30 hours of debate on Vought to expose Project 2025, Musk’s Treasury takeover, and the funding freeze.
    Delay and Disrupt: Force roll-call votes, quorum calls, and procedural delays to slow everything down.
    Blanket Opposition: Democrats cannot continue to vote for Trump’s other nominees, helping to install more MAGA loyalists into powerful positions in the federal government while this power grab continues.
    No Business as Usual: This is a constitutional crisis. Democrats must abandon the old rules and fight with everything they have.
    Bottom line: Senate Democrats must block, delay, and obstruct every step of this process—no cooperation, no easy votes, no fast-tracking Trump’s takeover. To learn more about how Senate Democrats can shut down Trump’s agenda with procedural hardball.

  2. 1- Perhaps it is not possible but there needs to be a messaging campaign to Red and Purple voters. 2- And the message should not be “Trump is Bad” but to the issues that impact these voters whether they be economic or social. 3- Sadly, many voters do not care if their health or retirement benefits are stolen from them. Over the past 40 years we have watched the extinction of pension plans and has anyone complained? Many voters are more angry about the social issues that are ginned up on Fox News every month. 4- This myopia deserves analysis and maybe there is nothing that can be done. 5- Drop the academic language of “Authoritarian” or “Oligarchy” or “Dystopian”. Few people understand these terms much less the dangers they contain. 6- Use Dictator because everyone knows dictators are bad. Or use “NO one is above the Law” because no one can dispute that. 7- Minimize using the name of the current POTUS. This detracts from the real message. 8- Watch and contribute to the New Hampshire 2026 Senate election because this will be a nearby race that can go RED. 9- volunteer or donate to whoever the Democratic nominee will be. GOP Scott Brown is running for this seat and he has the PR ability to appeal to all voters.

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