Town Manager Appoints New Commission for Persons with Disabilities

Amherst Town Hall. Photo: Art Keene.
Town Manager Paul Bockelman, in a memo to the Town Clerk and the Town Services and Outreach Committee dated March 3, nominated seven people to serve on the new Commission for Persons with Disabilities (CPD). The commission, which was created under MGL Chapter 40, Section 8J replaces the town’s Disability Advisory and Access Committee (DAAC) .
The DAAC voted unanimously (6-0) in January of 2024 to ask the Town Council to approve the change to a Commission. The council voted unanimously on May 20, 2024 to approve that request with DAAC chair Myra Ross stating, “The primary reason for this request is that a ‘committee’ is a temporary body charged with a particular task. A commission, on the other hand, is a permanent, standing board of the town, charged with many tasks. The DAAC has been an important entity, impacting the quality of life for people with disabilities in Amherst in multiple ways for more than 30 years, essentially a commission, without the name. Commissions on Disability are permitted to accept private donations, and also appropriations from municipalities toward projects that benefit people with disabilities. If the council were also to adopt MGLC 40 Section 22G, the new Amherst Commission on Disability would also be entitled to the funds raised from handicap parking violations.”
All members of the DAAC were invited to serve on the new commission and all accepted the invitation. There will be one seat vacated in July and the town will advertise for applications to fill the position.
Nominated for a three year term expiring June 30, 2028:
James Kruidenier of Moss Lane
Nominated for two year terms expiring June 30, 2027:
Ian Rhodewalt of Pine Street
Myra Ross of Harvard Avenue
Nominated for one year terms expliring June 30, 2026:
Seren Derin of Alyssum Drive
Cody Rooney of East Pleasant Street
Nominated for a short term appointment ending June 30, 2025:
Elysse Link of Lessey Street
Nominated to an ex-officio (voting) position was:
Pamela Nolan Young – Director of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Town Services and Outreach Committee (TSO) voted unanimously (5-0) at their meeting on March 6, to recommend to the Town Council that they approve these nominations. The recommendation will come likely come before the Town Council for a vote at their next meeting on March 10.
Biographical Profiles
The Town Manager provided the following biographical profiles of the nominees.
- Seren Derin is the Fiscal Director of the Stavros Center, an organization dedicated to helping people with disabilities and the deaf to live independently. Derin was first appointed to the DAAC on December 19, 1991 and has served continuously since April 30, 2007. As a long-standing member and former chair of the committee, she brings experience with advocacy.
- James Kruidenier was the executive director of Stavros Center of Independent Living in Amherst for nearly 29 years. Stavros actively advocates for the civil rights of people with disabilities – regionally, statewide, and nationally. Beyond his professional background, Kruidenier brings lived experience with hearing and deaf issues and other physical disabilities.
- Elysse Link previously served on the transportation subcommittee in Northampton and was interested in bringing her perspective to the DAAC. She is a frequent user of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority vehicles and advocates for greater access to all facilities. She navigates with a guide dog and has special concerns about the ability for those with disabilities to travel safely during the winter months.
- Ian Rhodewalt is a teacher who is and advocate for climate, economic, racial, and disability justice. As a person living with several disabilities, Rhodewalt brings a focus on mental health awareness, sensory issues, access to public transportation, and the needs of those who are immuno-compromised.
- Cody Rooney is studying Human Services at Holyoke Community College. He was born with Cerebral Palsy, and his family was told he would never walk or talk. He does both now. Rooney was appointed by Governor Baker to the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council, a state-wide independent agency funded by the Federal government to work with the state to better support people with developmental disabilities and their families. His participation gives voice to other cultures, including his Native American community. Rooney also serves on the town’s Cultural Council.
- Myra Ross rejoined and was chair of the DAAC after having served previously 18 years ago. She brings broad knowledge to the workings and history of the committee. She is a former employee of the Amherst Regional High School and, as a blind person, brings that perspective on matters of transportation, web access, and design.
- Pamela Nolan Young is the town’s Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and will serve in the seat designated for either an elected or appointed official.
Commission Mission and Charge
The mission of the CPD is to foster equal access to a life and activities for people with disabilities. Through education and advocacy, the CPD shall work to raise awareness about the needs of people with disabilities and the importance of increased accessibility to programs, housing, and facilities in municipal and commercial buildings and other public spaces. The CPD promotes adherence to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Titles I, II, III, IV and V, the U.S. Fair Housing Act, the regulations of the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board (MAAB), and all other related Federal, State and Town laws and regulations that require access and prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. The CPD may provide information, referrals, guidance, and technical assistance on access issues to those requesting it.
State law requires that the Commission consist of a majority of members with disabilities and one member of the immediate family of a person with a disability. In an effort to remediate past instances in which there have been barriers to persons with disabilities serving on boards and committees in Amherst, and so as to comply with this requirement under state law, the Commission asks prospective appointees to voluntarily identify as a person with a disability or a person with an immediate family member of a person with a disability.
The CPD shall:
- Provide timely review and response to all MAAB variance applications under the authority of the CPD in accordance with Chapter 256 of the Massachusetts General Laws;
- Advise and assist municipal officials and employees in ensuring compliance with state and federal laws and regulations that affect people with disabilities;
- Coordinate or carry out programs designed to meet the problems of people with disabilities in coordination with programs of the Massachusetts office on disability;
- Provide information, referrals, guidance and technical assistance to individuals, businesses, organizations, and public agencies in all matters pertaining to disability;
- Research local problems of people with disabilities;
- Review and make recommendations about policies, procedures, services, activities and facilities of departments, boards, and agencies of said city or town as they affect people with disabilities;
- Encourage public awareness of disability issues;
- Make recommendations on the allocation of funds received, including accrued interest, if any, from fines assessed for violations of handicap parking in the town to be used solely for the benefit of persons with disabilities; disbursement of such funds are subject to the town’s typical procedures.
- Coordinate activities of other local groups organized for similar purposes;
- Have at least ten meetings annually.