Update: Sunday March 16 Looks to Be a Good Night for Amphibian Migration

Photo: amherstma.gov
Source: amherstma.gov
The forecast for Sunday, March 16 looks like it could be a good night for amphibian movement across Henry Street. Optimal weather for our local spotted salamanders are rainy, warm nights.
Last week there was some small movement of frogs crossing to their breeding pools, but the ground was still frozen, so we did not see any salamander activity. That said, with the warm weather this weekend, if there is a warm rain on Sunday night, we believe there will be movement.
Notes about the Henry Street road closure:
- The road will be closed to through traffic at the intersection of Shutesbury Rd and Henry St.
- The road may appear closed at the intersection of North East St and Strong St, however traffic is still able to go through to access Shutesbury Rd.