What’s in This Issue?

Photo: Dreamtime. Creative commons
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Numbers in parentheses indicate change from the previous week.
Number of Unique Page Views:
Last 30 days: 57,191 (+1517)
Last Week: 13,827 (+2156)
Number of Unique Sessions
Last 30 days: 32,214 (+1247)
Last Week 8009 (+1835)
Number of Active Users
Last 30 Days: 16,307 (+1259)
Last Week: 4616 (+1394)
1. UMass Amherst Computer Scientist Co-Recipient of “The Nobel Prize of Computing” by Amherst Indy
2. Why Did Dan Muscat Resign from the Charter Review Committee? by Darcy DuMont
3. Cyberattack Hits Town Website. Twenty-Nine Arrested at “Blarney Blowout.” Still No Site for New Fire Station by Maura Keene
4. Massachusetts Sees Tariffs Pinching Public Projects by Jeff Lee
5. Regional School Committee Adopts Budget with 5.13% Increase by Maura Keene
- “Be Revolutionary”: Student Curated Exhibit Opens at UMass on April 3
- What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene
- Library Expansion Fundraising Hits a Wall by Jeff Lee
- Finance Committee Shows Little Support for More Money for Schools by Maura Keene
- Amherst School Committee Takes on Hot Button Issues by Amber Cano Martin
- Regional School Committee Adopts Budget with 5.13% Increase by Maura Keene
- The State of Amherst’s Roads is Fair. Town Faces $42 Million Repair Backlog by Maura Keene
- Letter: Are Students with Disabilities Not Deserving of a Quality Education? by ARPS Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) Steering Committee
- Letter: Why Does Amherst Balance Its Budgets on the Backs of Our Kids? by Alex Lopez
- Opinion: Some Climate News by Russ Vernon-Jones
- Photos of the Week: Farewell to Stream Ice by Annique Boomsma and John Root
- Charter Review Committee Not Ready to Discuss Charter. Planning for Outreach Campaign Continues by Anita Sarro
- Resistance to Trump is Everywhere — Inside the First 50 Days of Mass Protest by Rivera Sun (for Waging Nonviolence)
- New Conversations with Amherst Authors Series at North Amherst Library
- League of Women Voters’ Racial Justice Programs in April
- “Be Revolutionary”: Student Curated Exhibit Opens at UMass on April 3
- Inaugural Amherst Global Village Festival April 5
- What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene
- Planning Board and Neighbors Differ on Proposed Development for Atkins Corner by Maura Keene
- Greenleaves Eliminates Community Building in Favor of Community Areas in Each Building by Maura Keene
- Amherst Community Land Trust and Survival Center Appeal Unsuccessfully for Larger CDBG Grants by Maura Keene
- Letter: Proposed Archipelago Development is Inappropriate for Atkins Corner by Maira Kopicki
- Library Expansion Fundraising Hits a Wall by Jeff Lee
- Resistance to Trump is Everywhere — Inside the First 50 Days of Mass Protest by Rivera Sun (for Waging Nonviolence)
- Library Expansion Fundraising Hits a Wall by Jeff Lee
- New Conversations with Amherst Authors Series at North Amherst Library
- Letter: Proposed Archipelago Development is Inappropriate for Atkins Corner by Maria Kopicki
- Letter: Are Students with Disabilities Not Deserving of a Quality Education? by ARPS Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) Steering Committee
- Letter: Why Does Amherst Balance Its Budgets on the Backs of Our Kids? by Alex Lopez
- Opinion: Some Climate News by Russ Vernon-Jones
- Conditions at Middle School Deteriorate as Leaking Roof Poses Hazards to Health and Safety by Support Our Schools Amherst
- The State of Amherst’s Roads is Fair. Town Faces $42 Million Repair Backlog
- Finance Committee Shows Little Support for More Money for Schools by Maura Keene
- Amherst School Committee Takes on Hot Button Issues by Amber Cano Martin
- Regional School Committee Adopts Budget with 5.13% Increase by Maura Keene
- Conditions at Middle School Deteriorate as Leaking Roof Poses Hazards to Health and Safety by Supoort Our Schools Amherst
- Elementary School Building Project Update by Maira Kopicki
- League of Women Voters’ Racial Justice Programs in April
- Letter: Are Students with Disabilities Not Deserving of a Quality Education? by ARPS Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) Steering Committee
- Letter: Why Does Amherst Balance Its Budgets on the Backs of Our Kids? by Alex Lopez
- League of Women Voters’ Racial Justice Programs in April
- “Be Revolutionary”: Student Curated Exhibit Opens at UMass on April 3
- Town Finance and Senior Services Directors Resign by Art Keene
- Library Expansion Fundraising Hits a Wall by Jeff Lee
- Finance Committee Shows Little Support for More Money for Schools by Maura Keene
- Amherst School Committee Takes on Hot Button Issues by Amber Cano Martin
- Regional School Committee Adopts Budget with 5.13% Increase by Maura Keene
- The State of Amherst’s Roads is Fair. Town Faces $42 Million Repair Backlog by Maura Keene
- Charter Review Committee Not Ready to Discuss Charter. Planning for Outreach Campaign Continues by Anita Sarro
- Planning Board and Neighbors Differ on Proposed Development for Atkins Corner by Maura Keene
- Greenleaves Eliminates Community Building in Favor of Community Areas in Each Building by Maura Keene
- Amherst Community Land Trust and Survival Center Appeal Unsuccessfully for Larger CDBG Grants by Maura Keene
- Elementary School Building Project Update by Maria Kopicki
- Inaugural Amherst Global Village Festival April 5
- Letter: Proposed Archipelago Development is Inappropriate for Atkins Corner by Maria Kopicki
- Letter: Are Students with Disabilities Not Deserving of a Quality Education? by ARPS Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) Steering Committee
- Letter: Why Does Amherst Balance Its Budgets on the Backs of Our Kids? by Alex Lopez