School Committee Adopts 6% Increase for Elementary Budget

School Budget

Photo: Shutterstock

Report on the Meeting of the Amherst School Committee, March 26, 2025

This hybrid meeting was recorded.

Jennifer Shiao (Chair), Bridget Hynes, Deb Leonard, Sarah Marshall, and Irv Rhodes. Staff: Shannon Bernacchia (Interim Finance Director). 

Unanimous Vote for Six Percent Increase in FY26 Operating Budget 
Last week the Amherst School Committee (ASC) asked Interim Finance Director Shannon Bernacchia to prepare two sample FY2026 operating budgets for the elementary schools: one that restored the teaching positions that would be cut if the schools held to the 4% increase in the Amherst Town Manager’s guidelines and a second that restored the paraeducators as well. The first model led to an increase of 5.59% over FY2025, and the second to an increase of 6%. Both models still lead to shortfalls of $997,000 and $887,000 from level funding of all positions. The ASC voted unanimously to endorse the 6% budget, which will be forwarded to the Town Manager to be incorporated into the budget he presents to the Town Council for approval by June 30. The ASC is required to submit its budget to the Town Manager by April 1. A public hearing on the budget had been held on February 27.

With the 6% budget, the total expenses are $28,558,644. Restored positions from the original budget that kept the increase to 3.5% as originally specified by the Town Manager prior to his agreeing to a 4% increase  are: the special education reading teacher, three special education academic teachers, two general education teachers, the building blocks/Aims teacher, a third-time psychologist, and restores the specials teachers from 0.9 FTE to full-time. In addition, it reinstates Caminantes and English Language Learner paraeducators. 

ASC member Sarah Marshall noted that the Town Manager may reduce the budget increase to the four percent in his guidelines. At the March 24 Town Council meeting, Ana Devlin Gauthier (District 5) proposed revising the budget guidelines to give a larger increase to the schools, rather than equal increases to the schools, libraries, and municipal services. This change received support from Cathy Schoen (District 1) and Jennifer Taub (District 4) among others, the council will not decide on the proposal before April 1. Marshall emphasized the need for the public to advocate for the higher funding level with the council and Town Manager. The Finance Committee will hold a public hearing on the manager’s proposed budget in May.

Deb Leonard felt it was important to restore the two para positions, which teachers said were essential to their classes. Irv Rhodes endorsed the six percent budget, but said he wouldn’t be crushed if the 5.59% version was approved. Both restore most of the student-facing positions. 

The ASC voted 5-0 to recommend the 6% budget.

Fees to Increase Slightly Next YearThe committee voted unanimously to increase the full fee for the preschool to $9 per hour for those families earning over 100% of the State Median Income (SMI). Families earning less than 35% of SMI will have no charge for preschool, those earning from 35% to 50% SMI will pay 15% of the full cost, those earning between 51% and 65% SMI pay 25%, those earning 66% to 85% SMI will pay 50%, and those earning between 85% and 100% of SMI will pay 75% of the full cost. If a family has a changed circumstance and requires a lower fee, a decision is made by the preschool director on an individual basis. 

Fees for school lunch are slated to increase by 10 cents and musical instrument rental will also go up by 2.6%. There are reduced fees for low-income families for both lunch and instrument rental. All students are eligible for breakfast and lunch at no cost this school year, but should the funding run out, the new costs will take effect next year. 

Harassment Incident at Fort River in February Continues to Raise Alarm
Five members of the Fort River community left voicemails complaining about the lack of transparency and action to protect the children, parents, and staff at the school. In the February 10 incident, two parents assaulted a third in the school during the school day, not letting her exit the building and refusing to respond to staff intervention. Although the offending parents have now been barred from the school, the principal has gone on leave for the rest of the year, and the parents who left voicemails decried the month it took for the community to be informed of the incident when the guidelines state that bullying incidents should be dealt with immediately. 

Superintendent E. Xiomara Herman, who attended the meeting virtually due to illness, said she has prepared a response regarding the incident that is now being reviewed by legal counsel. As a topic of discussion at future meetings, she wants to review the caregiver code of conduct and conduct during public comment and public meetings.

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2 thoughts on “School Committee Adopts 6% Increase for Elementary Budget

  1. Does anyone know the context of the assault that allegedly took place at Fort River? What was the disagreement about? Why did the alleged assault lead to the principal taking a leave of absence? Once again, it looks like adult egos have damaged the school experience of the kids in Amherst. I’d love to better understand exactly what happened here and for the schools to communicate with more transparency. The communication thus far has been so vague. Certainly feels like something is being hidden. Something doesn’t add up.

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