ZBA Defers Decision on Special Permit for New Curtis Place Duplex

ZBA Defers Decision on Special Permit for New Curtis Place Duplex

Architect's rendering of proposed dulplex at 72 Curtis Place. Photo: amherstma.gov

Report on the Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals, March 27, 2025

This meeting was held over Zoom and was recorded.

Everald Henry (Acting Chair), Craig Meadows, Philip White, Hilda Greenbaum, and David Sloviter
Staff: Jacinta Williams (Planner)and Rob Morra (Building Commissioner)

Citing inaccurate and inadequate designs and the need for approval from the Conservation Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) deferred its decision on a special permit to replace the 1830’s Greek Revival farmhouse at 72 Curtis Place that was severely damaged in a February 2024 fire with a newly constructed non-owner-occupied duplex. Before the fire, the original building was already a non-owner-occupied two-unit building.

In November 2024, the Amherst Historical Commission determined that the building was historically significant but was damaged beyond reasonable repair, so the commission did not impose a demolition delay. It did document the building and its features for historic records. Curtis Place was developed on the farm associated with this house. The original address of the house was 583 Belchertown Road., but with the creation of Curtis Place, the orientation of the house was changed.

According to the preliminary plans, each two-story unit will have four bedrooms and three bathrooms. There will be eight surface parking spaces along the driveway. Because the site is quite a bit higher than Belchertown Road and slopes to either side, a rain garden is planned on the south side of the plot to help manage stormwater. The applicants have approached wetlands administrator Erin Jacque about scheduling a hearing with the Conservation Commission, but do not yet have a date for that hearing. Because the site is not designated as wetlands, it is unclear if the applicants need approval from the Conservation Commission or what approval they need.

The plans were briefly presented to the Planning Board at its March 19 meeting for input. The Planning Board noted the apparent inaccurate reversal of the second-floor plans in relation to the first- floor plans. The Planning Board members also wanted windows placed on the second floor at the gable ends to bring additional natural light into the bedrooms. They also felt that the 20-foot driveway was too wide. Ron Levesque and Mike Bowen, landscape architects representing the owner Larry Hansen, stated that the neighbors had requested that no windows be placed on the ends of the building on the second floor out of concern for privacy, but ZBA Associate member Hilda Greenbaum noted that the house is at the end of a cul de sac and there are no immediately abutting houses.

ZBA member Craig Meadows said that the town usually requests that trash barrels not be kept in front of the house, but property manager Alan St. Hilaire stated that having the trash bin next to the house between the two front doors allows the garbage to be picked up with minimal disruption. Meadows also asked the owner to consider a semi-permeable surface for the driveway and parking.

Everald Henry asked about screening of the property from Belchertown Road. Levesque noted that there was extensive screening from existing deciduous trees and brush, which he preferred over fencing that needs to be maintained and collects trash blown from the road. ZBA member David Sloviter said that at the site visit it was noted that, with the roadway being so much lower than the lot, the site was not easily visible from the road, and the traffic was not easily visible from the site. He also felt that the mini-splits on the Belchertown Road side of the new building would not be noticed by cars passing by and did not need additional screening. Aside from the parking arrangement seeming commercial, he felt the overall plans were reasonable.

The project received a letter of support from one of the immediate abutters who said that they met with Hansen and were satisfied with the plans, although they realized there may be changes in the plans as they are finalized.

Greenbaum offered the strongest criticism of the design, which she said looks like an army barracks. She contrasted the unadorned façade of the plans with the Greek Revival design of the existing building. She wanted to see more attractive architectural features, such as adding some window trim and corner boards. She asked what color the owners planned on painting the structure. She said she can’t approve the project as it looks now, and noted that the Zoning Bylaw requires adherence to design standards specified in section 3.321.

The applicants will return to the ZBA on May 22, after hopefully hearing from the Conservation Commission and addressing the concerns of the ZBA and Planning Board, making sure the architectural plans are correct. The management plan and landscaping plan were also not discussed at this meeting and will need to be reviewed before a special permit can be issued.

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1 thought on “ZBA Defers Decision on Special Permit for New Curtis Place Duplex

  1. The planning board wanted windows to protect the natural light ? and the driveway is too wide .
    While you roll over for the developers .
    A dormitory in downtown , no problem . How about the natural light at that project ?

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