
North Amherst intersection where Pine and Meadow Streets meet North Pleasant. Photo: Google Maps

At the Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday January 7th, Town Comptroller Sonia Aldrich said that Town staff will be asking the Town Council to re-purpose funds left over from the Station Road Bridge appropriation to pay for new traffic lights for the North Amherst intersection (where Pine/Meadow Streets meet North Pleasant).

Securing long-needed improvements for the busy and dangerous North Amherst intersection has been one of District 1 Councilor Cathy Schoen’s top priorities. “That would be incredibly good news to a lot of people,” she said.

The new signaling is considered a temporary improvement to improve flow until the intersection can be redesigned and constructed. A design has not been finalized and will ultimately require some level of state funding, so is likely still a few years out. The video of the meeting can be viewed here.

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