Town Manager Appoints Four To Solar Bylaw Working Group

town landfill

Solar supports on Amherst's landfill. Photo:

Town Manager Paul Bockleman nominated four people to serve on the Solar Bylaw Working Group in a May 17 memo to the Town Council and Town Clerk.  Bockleman’s nominations were endorsed unanimously by the Town Services and Outreach Committee at their meeting on May 19 and were forwarded to the Town Council for final approval.Nominated for terms expiring on May 31, 2023 were:

  • Janet McGowan (representing the Planning Board)
  • Dwayne Breger (representing the Energy and Climate Action Committee)
  • Laura Pagliarulo (representing the Conservation Commission)
  • Jack Jemsek (representing the Water Supply Protection Committee)

Three positions on the task force remain to be filled.  Two of those appointments will be town residents with experience in solar or forestry.  Another will be nominated by the Board of Health.

Background On The Solar Bylaw Task Force

To draft a solar zoning bylaw including standards and guidelines that will guide and encourage responsible development of solar installations, including battery storage.

The charge of the Solar Bylaw Working Group is to develop a solar zoning bylaw and establish a clear process and guidelines to support the permitting, siting, and construction of solar projects, including battery storage, in a way that protects the health, safety and welfare of community members, the environment, and natural resources. To develop the solar zoning bylaw, the SBWG will engage the community to ascertain community values, identify criteria and standards to be used in reviewing and permitting proposed solar installations including battery storage, and identify and prioritize locations for possible solar development, including large scale ground-mount, roof-top, and parking lot canopies.

The Solar Bylaw Working Group shall:

  • Review the Town-funded solar resource assessment that will identify and prioritize locations for solar installations including battery storage for possible solar development to guide and encourage responsible development of solar installations. The SBWG will help engage the community to ascertain community values, identify criteria and standards to be used in reviewing the bylaw, process, and guidelines.
  • Establish a clear process and guidelines to support the siting, review, permitting, and construction of solar projects including battery storage in a way that protects the health, safety and welfare of community members, the environment and natural resources, and
  • Develop a solar bylaw that will be transmitted to the Town Council and Planning Board for review.

Seven (7) Voting Members

  • One representative from each of the following committees will be invited (chosen by the respective committee membership):
  • Planning Board
  • Energy and Climate Action Committee
  • Conservation Commission
  • Board of Health
  • Water Supply Protection Committee
  • Two residents with solar and/or forestry or other relevant experience


  • Provide a Solar Bylaw to the Town Council on or before May 31, 2023.
  • Provide a map showing sites in Amherst that are considered suitable for installation of large-scale ground-mounted solar arrays with a supporting narrative report based on the Town’s solar resource assessment.
  • Provide written process and guidelines to support the siting, permitting, and construction of solar projects.
  • All bylaws and reports are due on or before May 31, 2023.
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