Smith Charities Offers Gifts To Widows, Nurses, Tradespeople, And Brides As Well As Competitive Mortgages


As the Oliver Smith Elector for the Town of Amherst, I want to invite Amherst residents to apply for the financial gifts described on the chart and flyers below. And, if you need a mortgage, please consider applying now to Smith Charities in Northampton as the nonprofit currently has funds for several mortgages at competitive interest rates with extremely low closing costs. The rate as of today for a 15-year term mortgage is 5.35%; a 20-year term mortgage is 5.65%. Please see the mortgage flyer below for more details. (Note: the money down requirement was recently changed to require only 20% down with strong credit scores). The way Smith Charities works is that the interest on the mortgages is used to give gifts to certain categories of people based on a will written by Oliver Smith, a wealthy farmer from Hatfield, who died in 1845. His will created a charitable fund that established financial gifts for brides, widows with children under 18, and nurses and tradespeople just completing their education.

Smith Charities has a small number of mortgages and it’s like an old-fashioned business where many of the homeowners with Smith Charities’ mortgages feel happy that their business decision helps people who need help financially. It’s a win/win. 

Please click on the flyers pictured below (and see the summary chart below) to learn the requirements for each of the gift categories.

Do you know a widow from Amherst with children under age 18? Please tell them about this fund. They could be receiving hundreds of dollars every year! The amounts of the gifts may be higher than what is indicated in the flyer depending on income from mortgages. (This past fall, the gifts were double what was indicated in the flyers). Very few Amherst residents have applied for these gifts though there must be many who qualify. Please contact your friends who might fit into any of the gift categories and urge them to apply. Applications for mortgages and for the gifts can be found at these websites: 

Financial Gift applications:

Mortgage Applications:

If you are from Amherst and have any questions about this, please contact me at (please include the name “Smith Charities” in the subject line) or call or text me at 413-297-1075. Thank you for helping get the word out to Amherst residents who may qualify for these financial gifts.

Smith Charities Gifts (Must Reside in Amherst or one of the other eligible towns)

Who’s EligibleConditionsWhen to applyGrant Amount  
Brides1st Marriage, Born in Amherst.  At least 18 years old.  Within 90 days of marriage$100
WidowsMust have children under 18 years of ageAnnually.  Benefit stops when child reaches 18 or widow leaves Amherst$300 for 1st child; $100 for each additional
Must be accepted to or enrolled in nursing program & get nursing degree.  Before 21st birthday$600
Must serve as apprentice in eligible trade from age 19-21.  (Can be working or studying at the same time.) Benefit paid at age 22.Before 19th birthday$600
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