Letter: Boards Schedule Hearings For Shutesbury Road Solar Project Despite Wetland Permit Expiration

solar farm

Photo: Pixabay.com. Public Domain

The 2020 wetland permit (ORAD) required for the Shutesbury Solar Project application for a Special Permit expired On August 10, 2023. Every aspect of the site plans for the 41-acre Shutesbury Road solar project—the access road, placement of the 10 acres of solar panels, lithium batteries location, storm water management elements, construction needs, including parking and storage of equipment—relied on this permit.

Despite the permit’s expiration, the Planning Board has added a discussion of the project to its August 16 agenda: “Review and Recommendations to the ZBA” discussion of the Shutesbury Rd Solar Project”

The Zoning Board of Appeals’ first public hearing for the project application is scheduled for August 24.

Given that the project no longer meets the ZBA’s eligibility requirements as a complete application, it is reasonable to ask why are the Planning Board and ZBA going forward with hearings?

Jenny Kallick

Jenny Kallick is a resident of Amherst and a member of Smart Solar Amherst

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2 thoughts on “Letter: Boards Schedule Hearings For Shutesbury Road Solar Project Despite Wetland Permit Expiration

  1. Just in: PureSky’s Planning Board presentation on August 16 has been cancelled by the solar company’s lawyer, Tom Reidy, according to Planning Director Christine Brestrup.

  2. FROM TOM REIDY, lawyer for PURESKY solar company, to Chris Brestrup, town Planning Director
    Chris –
    Please accept this email as a request for a continuation of the Shutesbury Road Solar discussion currently scheduled for this evening with the Planning Board.  As you likely know we are confirming our wetland delineation and intend on presenting the project concept to the ZBA next Thursday (the 24th), with the expectation that it will be heard in earnest in October.  In the interim, we will be working with the Conservation Commission towards an updated Order of Resource Area Delineation.  We’d be happy to present the project to the Planning Board on September 20th.  Please let us know if that is acceptable.

    NB: the expired wetland delineation cannot be updated. PURESKY must seek a new permit. Conditions will have changed, given that the 2020 permit was issued under “severe drought” conditions.

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