Photo Of The Week: DPW Headquarters After A Rainy Night

DPW wide (1)

The building housing the Amherst Department of Public Works is a 100 year old former trolly barn. Photo: Stephen Braun

On the morning of August 25, after a typically rainy night, conditions inside the Town of Amherst’s Department of Public Works building weren’t looking good. That’s nothing new — but still, who can see these images and not be taken aback, especially after talking about deteriorating conditions at the building for decades? How is it possible that Amherst town employees are exposed to this level of deterioration, this level of mold and mildew, this level of danger, with water that seems to be dripping onto electrical fixtures, this patter of water dropping into buckets long after the rain has stopped. Note the rotting wood and the rainforest-y things.

Our feature,  Photo of the Week, presents each week, a new picture by a local photographer. We invite local photographers to share their photographs here.   Please include a description/caption and an indication of who is to be credited.

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2 thoughts on “Photo Of The Week: DPW Headquarters After A Rainy Night

  1. Kitty
    Thank you for sharing these very concerning images with the Amherst Indy.
    Hope you are well. Hetty

  2. This for our people who work to ensure that we all have so much we take for granted (e.g., clean running water, working traffic lights and fire hydrants, a public sewage system). Would you work in decades long conditions that include walls of black mold, puddles on the floors and desks located in a garage with no heat or air conditioning?
    Shame on all of us!

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