Public Comment: Town Services for Seniors are Underfunded

Banges Community Center. Photo:
The following public comment was made at the meeting of the Amherst Town Council on January 8, 2024.
My name is Jeanne Horrigan and I’m a resident of Precinct 3.
Congratulations to the new and returning council members on your successful election.
I am a long time resident of town who serves on the Council on Aging and volunteers at the Senior Center.
The mission of the Amherst Senior Center is to serve older adults to maintain their independence and ability to age in place. A lack of financial resources and an unwelcoming building make it difficult for staff and volunteers to realize that vision.
Seniors make up one quarter of the year round population and yet the Senior Center gets less than 1% of the town Budget. In fact, the Senior Center budget is .28% of the entire town budget. This lack of financial support impedes the Senior Center from serving the elder population as it should.
In my tenure at the Senior Center I have found it to be a friendly and welcoming place. However, it isn’t always a safe one. There have been numerous incidents which have been disturbing and scary for many people including both participants and volunteers. There are documented incidents of an individual coming into the facility screaming and threatening staff and instances of fires and public urination in the front of the Bangs Center.
Security cameras need to be installed immediately. The Bangs Center needs to be a safe, welcoming space for our community. Lighting needs to be improved. Pull cords need to be installed in the bathrooms so the it is safe for seniors when they use the restroom.
It’s time for the Town to take care of the elders…it’s time and it’s our turn!
Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you to address these challenges.
Jeanne Horrigan is a resident of Amherst