Call For Artists: Electrify Amherst 2024 – Celebrating Amherst Youth


2020 utiility box artist Jamille Kort. Photo:

Amherst Public Arts Commission is calling for artists under to submit designs for the Electrify Amherst Project. Winning selections will grace three electrical boxes around the Town of Amherst. This year’s theme is Celebrating Amherst Youth.

1.  Artist Name
2. Mailing Address
3. Email address and/or phone number
4. Sketch of your proposal (saved as high-resolution image, in .jpg or .png format)

Your art must be detailed and able to be viewed from afar: most utility boxes are approximately three feet by four feet.  See the Electrify Amherst page for previous examples of these public art installations. 

There will be three awards for this 2024 cycle.  Each awardee will receive a $500 stipend plus the cost of painting supplies.  

Please send all submissions to:

Submissions can also be sent via mail to: Amherst Public Art Commission, Town Hall 4 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst, MA 01002 or delivered to Town Hall directly (third floor/Mezzanine – ask for Angela).

Submissions will be accepted until July 15, 2024.  Incomplete or late submissions will not be accepted.  Notification of awardees will be made around August 15, 2024.

If you have questions about this project please email:  or call Angela: 413-259-3292.

Helpful online links:

Call for Artists page:          
Electrify Amherst page:     

2019 utility box artist Melissa Pandina. Photo:
2018 utility box artist Jeff Wrench. Photo:
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