Photo: Dreamtime. Creative commons

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1. Jones Library Consultant Amps Up the Vitriol by Jeff Lee
2. Letter: Understaffing Amherst Fire Department Endangers Community by Sarah Forsaith
3. Jones Library Director Suppresses Bad News About Expansion Project by Maria Kopicki
4. Failure to Preserve Library Historic Features Leads to $2M Fundraising Setback by Jeff Lee
5.. Puffer’s Pond Closed to Swimming by Amherst Indy

1. Jones Library Consultant Amps Up the Vitriol by Jeff Lee
2. Philip Avila Named New Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by Art Keene
3. Petition Urges Town Council To Pivot to Affordable Alternative to Costly Jones Library Demolition/Expansion Project by Maura Keene
4. North Whitney Street Duplex a No-go for Now by Maura Keene
5. Amherst Mourns Death Of High School Junior by Maura Keene


Annual Sound and Vision Music Series at Amherst Cinema

Another $800,000 Requested for Track and Field Project by Maura Keene
Letter: Town and Schools Must Collaborate to Preserve Quality Education in Amherst by Amherst Sunrise Movement


Letter: If You Care About Climate Change, Please Tell Town Council to Adopt the Waste Hauler Proposal by Zero Waste Amherst
Almanac: Strange Carnivores by Stephen Braun

Amherst Awarded $1.2 Million Action Grant for Fort River Watershed

Annual Sound and Vision Music Series at Amherst Cinema
Sojourner Truth School Offering Large Slate of Free Classes This Fall
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene

Almanac: Strange Carnivores by Stephen Braun
Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Pelham, Massachusetts, (1 of 10) by Hetty Startup
Photos of the Week: New Reflections from Dave Madeloni

Planning Board Approves Most Value Engineering Changes to Library Project, With Conditions by Maura Keene
Town Postpones Historical Commission’s Public Hearings on Jones Library Project by Art Keene
Opinion: Failing to Protect Historic Character of Jones Library Casts Doubt on Legitimacy of Entire Project by Mickey Rathbun
Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Pelham, Massachusetts, (1 of 10) by Hetty Startup


The Selling of the Jones Library Project in 12 Quotes by Jeff Lee

Petition Urges Town Council To Pivot to Affordable Alternative to Costly Jones Library Demolition/Expansion Project by Maura Keene
Planning Board Approves Most Value Engineering Changes to Library Project, With Conditions by Maura Keene
Town Postpones Historical Commission’s Public Hearings on Jones Library Project by Art Keene
The Selling of the Jones Library Project in 12 Quotes by Jeff Lee
Letter: Several Procedural Errors in Historical Commission’s Public Hearings Notice by Jeff Lee
Letter: Improper Notice For Public Hearings on Jones Library Requires Postponement by Mickey Rathbun
Opinion: Failing to Protect Historic Character of Jones Library Casts Doubt on Legitimacy of Entire Project by Mickey Rathbun

Letter: Town and Schools Must Collaborate to Preserve Quality Education in Amherst by Amherst Sunrise Movement
Letter: If You Care About Climate Change, Please Tell Town Council to Adopt the Waste Hauler Proposal by Zero Waste Amherst
Letter: Several Procedural Errors in Historical Commission’s Public Hearings Notice by Jeff Lee
Letter: Improper Notice For Public Hearings on Jones Library Requires Postponement by Mickey Rathbun
Letter: Baystate Noble Nurses Seek Public Support for Fair Contract by Lauren D. Reingold
Opinion: Failing to Protect Historic Character of Jones Library Casts Doubt on Legitimacy of Entire Project by Mickey Rathbun
Opinion: For Profit Medicine Is Ruining Massachusetts Health Care by John E. McDonough


Puffer’s Pond Remains Closed to Swimming. Here’s a FAQ on the Status of the Pond.
Ways to Stay Cool During Extreme Heat in Amherst
Letter: Baystate Noble Nurses Seek Public Support for Fair Contract by Lauren D. Reingold
Opinion: For Profit Medicine Is Ruining Massachusetts Health Care by John E. McDonough

Another $800,000 Requested for Track and Field Project by Maura Keene
Puffer’s Pond Remains Closed to Swimming. Here’s a FAQ on the Status of the Pond

Sojourner Truth School Offering Large Slate of Free Classes This Fall
Letter: Baystate Noble Nurses Seek Public Support for Fair Contract by Lauren D. Reingold
Opinion: For Profit Medicine Is Ruining Massachusetts Health Care by John E. McDonough

Letter: If You Care About Climate Change, Please Tell Town Council to Adopt the Waste Hauler Proposal by Zero Waste Amherst

Another $800,000 Requested for Track and Field Project by Maura Keene
Letter: Town and Schools Must Collaborate to Preserve Quality Education in Amherst by Amherst Sunrise Movement

Petition Urges Town Council To Pivot to Affordable Alternative to Costly Jones Library Demolition/Expansion Project by Maura Keene
Planning Board Approves Most Value Engineering Changes to Library Project, With Conditions by Maura Keene
Town Postpones Historical Commission’s Public Hearings on Jones Library Project by Art Keene
Another $800,000 Requested for Track and Field Project by Maura Keene
Planning Director Christine Brestrup Will Retire in September
Amherst Awarded $1.2 Million Action Grant for Fort River Watershed
The Selling of the Jones Library Project in 12 Quotes by Jeff Lee
Letter: Town and Schools Must Collaborate to Preserve Quality Education in Amherst by Amherst Sunrise Movement
Letter: If You Care About Climate Change, Please Tell Town Council to Adopt the Waste Hauler Proposal by Zero Waste Amherst
Letter: Several Procedural Errors in Historical Commission’s Public Hearings Notice by Jeff Lee
Letter: Improper Notice For Public Hearings on Jones Library Requires Postponement by Mickey Rathbun

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