Elementary School Building Project Bid Comes in Under Budget


Architect's rendering of the new Fort River Elementary School. Aerial view from Southeast. Photo: amherstma.gov

According to BidDocs, the bid for the Fort River Elementary School project has come in under budget by around $3 million. Work was estimated to cost $76,548,643 and the lowest bid from CTA Construction Managers of Waltham, MA came in at $73,475,000. The two other bids received also beat the estimate: $75.0 million from J&J Contractors of North Billerica, MA and $75.6 million from Fontaine Bros. of Springfield, MA. The next step is for the bids to be reviewed and a decision made by the town on whether to accept.  

The total project cost will include soft costs (for items such as furnishings, fees, and contingencies) as well as any separately bid items. The Amherst Town Council authorized $92,492,295 of borrowing in April 2023 and a town-wide debt exclusion override vote in May 2023 passed easily with over 80% of more than 4000 voters in favor. 

The elementary school building committee meets September 20, at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom (the link to the meeting is  https://amherstma.zoom.us/j/83600583792) with the only agenda item being discussion of the bidding results. Additional reporting will follow.

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