Amherst Volunteer Fair, Saturday September 20


Photo: Public domain


Are you neady to plant the seeds of kindness in your community? Are you curious about how you can lend a hand to support the local organizations that keep Amherst happy and healthy?

The Amherst Volunteer Fair is your gateway to a world of opportunities, whether you’re a one-time wonder or a weekly warrior! It takes all skill types and levels to create a thriving community, so why not consider trading some spare time to rejuvenate your sense of fulfilment this year? Let us help you discover your perfect volunteer role and experience the joy of giving back!

The fair will be held on the Town Common on Saturday Septmeber 20 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is free and open to all

There will be opportunities to learn about and meet representatives from:  Amherst Senior Center,  Jones Library, Jones Library ESL Center,  Town of Amherst, Amherst Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,  Amherst Recreation,  Amherst Historical Society and Museum, Amherst Neighbors … and more

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