Photo: Dreamtime. Creative commons

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1. Jones Library Building Project Odyssey Approaches Final Challenges by Jeff Lee
2. UMass Amherst Launches Early College Program Giving High School Students Opportunities to Earn College Credit for Free by Amherst Indy
3. Council Debates Proposed Nuisance Property Bylaw by Maura Keene
4. Letter: A Healthy Democracy Requires Critical Public Engagement by Rita Burke
5. In The Face of Public Criticism, Trustees Praise and Defend Jones Library Director by Jeff Lee


Larry Rankin Black-and-White Photography at Gallery A3 in October
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene

UMass Amherst Launches Early College Program Giving High School Students Opportunities to Earn College Credit for Free
Public Invited to Attend UMass Amherst’s ‘Democracy in Troubled Times’

Opinion: Two Big Boosts To Climate Action in Amherst by Darcy DuMont
Photos of the Week: An Arthorpod Gallery by John Root

Public Invited to Attend UMass Amherst’s ‘Democracy in Troubled Times’

Retirement Reception for Planning Director Chris Brestrup September 26 by Maura Keene
Public Invited to Attend UMass Amherst’s ‘Democracy in Troubled Times’
Amherst Volunteer Fair, Saturday September 20
Concept Presentation for Shelter and Supportive Housing at Former VFW Site
Own for Less Than the Cost of Renting: Public Forum on Amherst Community Homes
Larry Rankin Black-and-White Photography at Gallery A3 in October
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene

Understaffing and Inadequate Facilities Are Chronic Problems for Amherst Fire Fighters by Art and Maura Keene
Housing for the East Village and Main Street by Hetty Startup
Resettling Our History Lands. Reflections on the Exhibit “Cambodians in Amherst” by Brian Boyles
Photos of the Week: An Arthorpod Gallery by John Root

Housing for the East Village and Main Street by Hetty Startup
Resettling Our History Lands. Reflections on the Exhibit “Cambodians in Amherst” by Brian Boyles

Mixed-use Apartment Buildings Planned at Amity and University Drive by Maura Keene
Concept Presentation for Shelter and Supportive Housing at Former VFW Site
Own for Less Than the Cost of Renting: Public Forum on Amherst Community Homes
Housing for the East Village and Main Street by Hetty Startup

Repeated Rejections of Library Funding From State Historic Commission Were Hidden From Town Council and the Public by Maria Kopicki

Repeated Rejections of Library Funding From State Historic Commission Were Hidden From Town Council and the Public by Maria Kopicki
No Bidders for Library Swing Space by Jeff Lee
Letter: In Amherst, Can Good People Agree to Disagree? by Ken Rosenthal

Public Comment: Advice for Getting the Charter Review off to a Good Start by Darcy DuMont
Letter: In Amherst, Can Good People Agree to Disagree? by Ken Rosenthal
Opinion: Two Big Boosts To Climate Action in Amherst by Darcy Du Mont

Social Justice Committee Frustrated with Slow Progress on Implementation of CRESS and Youth Empowerment Center by Art Keene
Understaffing and Inadequate Facilities Are Chronic Problems for Amherst Fire Fighters by Art and Maura Keene

School Building Project Expected to be Nearly $5 Million Under Budget by Maria Kopicki
Elementary School Building Project Bid Comes in Under Budget by Maria Kopicki
UMass Amherst Launches Early College Program Giving High School Students Opportunities to Earn College Credit for Free

Social Justice Committee Frustrated with Slow Progress on Implementation of CRESS and Youth Empowerment Center by Art Keene

Opinion: Two Big Boosts To Climate Action in Amherst by Darcy DuMont


Repeated Rejections of Library Funding From State Historic Commission Were Hidden From Town Council and the Public by Maria Kopicki
No Bidders for Library Swing Space by Jeff Lee
School Building Project Expected to be Nearly $5 Million Under Budget by Maria Kopicki
Elementary School Building Project Bid Comes in Under Budget by Maria Kopicki
Social Justice Committee Frustrated with Slow Progress on Implementation of CRESS and Youth Empowerment Center by Art Keene
Mixed-use Apartment Buildings Planned at Amity and University Drive by Maura Keene
Amherst Hosts Topping Off Ceremony for Centennial Water Treatment Plant  
Retirement Reception for Planning Director Chris Brestrup September 26 by Maura Keene
Amherst Volunteer Fair, Saturday September 20
Concept Presentation for Shelter and Supportive Housing at Former VFW Site
Public Comment: Advice for Getting the Charter Review off to a Good Start by Darcy DuMont
Understaffing and Inadequate Facilities Are Chronic Problems for Amherst Fire Fighters by Art and Maura Keene

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