Photo: Courtesy of “2028 Is Too Late! Vote Climate”. Used with permission.

Love, Justice and Climate Change

Russ Vernon-Jones

Electing Kamala Harris president of the U.S. is the most important climate justice action any of us can take right now. It’s time to go all out. If you can’t knock on doors in a battleground state, then phone-banking is probably the most effective thing you can do. Even if you have never phone-banked before, I urge you to push through whatever might be in your way and sign up to phone bank this week and next to help get out the vote.

You will be connected to phone numbers of registered voters in battleground states believed to be supportive of Harris. Your job will be to follow the script you are given and help them make a plan to vote. The persuasion phase of the campaigns is mostly over at this point. Now it’s all about getting all of our supporters to actually vote. The campaign that is most successful at this will win.

You can do this.  It does make a difference. Thousands of us are doing this, but there are millions of voters to reach. Please help!

I recommend starting with a phone bank from one of these sites (although there are many other good ones as well):

(Editor’s note: for more links that will connect you to door knocking, phone banking, and text banking opportunities, look here).

Some of these sites offer phone banks for other candidates, mostly in elections that are key to getting control of Congress or to bringing out more  Democratic voters.

If you are overwhelmed by the choices, I recommend you just pick one and try it. Training will be provided. It will probably be fine. If it goes badly, try again.

If you are able to go to a battleground state and knock on doors, that’s even more effective and those who are door-knocking for Kamala will welcome you with open arms.

If you are already door-knocking or phone-banking, thank you!!!

Regardless of what the polls say, this election is extremely close and the future of the world may be determined by what we are able to do in the next two weeks.

I’ll be making these phonebank calls for the next two weeks, too. Let’s do it together!

Russ Vernon-Jones was principal of Fort River School 1990-2008 and is currently a member of the Steering Committee of Climate Action Now-Western Massachusetts. He blogs regularly on climate justice at

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1 thought on “Opinion: Phone Bank Now!

  1. Harris could win with absolute certainty if the current administration would STOP funding and arming the war in Gaza. But they don’t or won’t or can’t or what? If the democrats lose this election it will be their own fault. No one to blame but themselves.

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