Letter: Gazette Letter About Jones Library Critics Requires Correction


Aerial schematic of the Jones Library. 1928 building is in White. 1993 addition, slated to be demolished is in red. Upper left in white - The Amherst History Museum//Strong House. Photo: amherstma.gov

I want to correct a letter that was published in the November 30 edition of the Daily Hampshire Gazette under the headline “Spreading Disinformation about the Jones Library“.  

First, the writers misquoted the sign near the Amherst Farmer’s Market, making it seem slightly more provocative than it actually is, but that’s a minor point.  The writers go on to state that the information we were giving out was “inaccurate and inflammatory”, and that we were “spreading disinformation and misleading the public.”  In fact, the pictures we displayed and the information that we were giving people was from the town’s website regarding the library project.  We make every effort to present accurate information based on the town’s and the library’s published documents, despite the complex and changing nature of the project and the many false and misleading claims made by its proponents.  In publishing the letter under that title, without making an attempt to contact the people who it was about, the Gazette endorsed a claim that it failed to check.

Helena Donovan

Helena Donovan is a resident of Amherst.

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1 thought on “Letter: Gazette Letter About Jones Library Critics Requires Correction

  1. I sent the following to the Gazette on 11/30. I don’t think they’ll print it.

    I read the opinion piece by Marilyn and Jeff Blaustein and was truly puzzled.
    The fact is that the Jones Library Project will demolish the 1993 addition as well as parts of the 1928 Historic Building.
    No one is contesting this. The Library Project recently stated that the project WILL have an ADVERSE effect on the Historic Jones Building as well as on the Amherst Historic District. So a sign that says Stop the Demolition is not false or disinformation.

    I don’t know what else the person sitting at the sign spoke about so I can’t know if it is disinformation or not. The Blausteins didn’t care to share that so I can’t respond to it.

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