Big Night Amphibian Migration is at Hand


Spotted salamander. Photo: Hitchcock Center For the Evironment


Every year, the Town of Amherst partners with the Hitchcock Center for the Environment during the “Big Night” amphibian migration. Portions of Henry Street will be temporarily closed to through traffic on anticipated migration dates to ensure safety for amphibians and volunteers.

Current weather forecasts indicate that migrations could begin tonight (March 5) when temperatures exceed 40 degrees and rain is expected. However, due to uncertain weather conditions, movement of amphibians may occur on more than one night over the next few weeks. 

Henry Street separates salamanders and other amphibians from vernal pools (small temporary ponds) and other wetlands where they migrate every spring to mate and to lay eggs. On Big Night, amphibian mortality can be especially high on roads as amphibians cross in search of their resident vernal pools. The salamander tunnels on Henry Street serve to shepherd the amphibians safely from the uplands on the east side of Henry Street, to the vernal pools to the west. During Big Night volunteers gather in the area to aid amphibians safe crossing.

In anticipation of Big Night, to limit amphibian mortality and keep volunteers safe, the town will be temporarily closing a portion of Henry Street to through traffic on the anticipated dates. The Town will have signage posted at the site to alert vehicles. If you are traveling in this area in the coming nights, please be mindful of the potential of this event.  

For more information about Big Night and the Henry Street Salamander Tunnels:

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