- Janet McGowan on Opinion: Charter Review – Public Take Notice. It Will Be Ten Years Before You Have Another Chance to Weigh In.: “I am hoping that this summary of the “constraints” on the the committee are not accurate. I did not attend…” Dec 4, 15:35
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “The guidelines for public constuction put out the the Office of the Inspector General strongly recommends that the Owner’s Project…” Dec 4, 13:21on
- Letter: Gazette Letter About Jones Library Critics Requires Correction: “I sent the following to the Gazette on 11/30. I don’t think they’ll print it. I read the opinion piece…” Dec 3, 10:12on
- Town Manager Report for December 2, 2024: “Thank you Amherst Indy for keeping us informed . Lots happening .” Dec 2, 20:52on
- Historic Commission Approves Stained Glass Window Restoration at JCA: “The Second Church was formed by patriots who split off from the First Church and its Tory minister. The first…” Dec 2, 17:21on
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “I asked the Mass. Attorney General’s Construction Bid Unit if Amherst could alter the project through change orders if a…” Dec 2, 16:36on
- Letter: Please Tell Senators to Advise But Not Consent to Trump’s Cabinet Nominations: “Thank you. Am using this template to send to your recommended representatives.” Dec 1, 11:30on
- Saving Money on Clean Energy for Schools: “The last few years have taught us that cities and towns have to lead. Let’s take advantage of any grants…” Dec 1, 10:28on
- Saving Money on Clean Energy for Schools: “Amherst has a consultant’s report listing all the schools and town buildings that could effectively install solar panels over parking…” Nov 30, 12:03on
- Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Belchertown : “Thanks, Janet! While I am ‘here’, another local preservation project in Belchertown is being championed by the Quabbin Art Association.…” Nov 30, 10:59on
- Lighting of Merry Maple December 6: ““Unless” Unless Holidays come to an end or nobody noticed to do it again or it didn’t show up on…” Nov 30, 10:30on
- Issues and Analyses: How We Can Meet the Challenges of Authoritarianism: “Here is a link to a possible organization that is allied to your comments – I think it is an…” Nov 30, 10:26on
- Issues and Analyses: How We Can Meet the Challenges of Authoritarianism: “Resistance is essential but more is needed. In the Summer of 2012 I drove through northeastern Ohio heading to Columbus…” Nov 30, 07:51on
- Historic Commission Approves Stained Glass Window Restoration at JCA: “Those windows are a historically significant photo of rural America in the 1890s and definitely worth preserving. What I find…” Nov 27, 21:56on
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “Perhaps the Town is doing market research to see what is available for space from at least two property owners…” Nov 26, 10:40on
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “Hiring an OPM requires a selection process. You can’t just hand a contract to a company you used before. The…” Nov 26, 07:18on
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “Even if the Jones Libray demolition/expansion project has not yet risen to the waste, fraud or abuse of federal funds…” Nov 25, 20:51on
- Town Council Hears About Four Ways to Pay for Amherst’s Major Capital Projects: “Whatever happened to the interactive capital budget modeling tool the town was going to provide for public use? https://www.amherstma.gov/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/10911” Nov 24, 19:36on
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “Would be good to know what conversations are happening “behind the curtain” between town admin and federal and state legislators…” Nov 24, 11:23on
- Planning Board Continues to Discuss University Drive Overlay District and Accessory Dwelling Unit Guidelines: “The planning board and the Towns staff have no data. They rely on the economic principle of supply and demand,…” Nov 23, 19:52on
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “He’s saying that the town sees no viable alternatives to the current plan and what they have already decided to…” Nov 23, 18:12on
- Town Council Hears About Four Ways to Pay for Amherst’s Major Capital Projects: “And…is it that the Town Council’s $ commitment to the current Demolition/Expansion Plan would be automatically transferable to an Upgrade/Renovation…” Nov 23, 18:00on
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “So is Peirent saying the town will not do an alternatives analysis? First the town skips over the 106 process…” Nov 23, 17:52on
- Town Council Hears About Four Ways to Pay for Amherst’s Major Capital Projects: “Council President Griesemer’s warning that if the Town does not go forward with the Library renovation-expansion then repairs will cost…” Nov 23, 17:03on
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “Under Massachusetts public contracting law, can you screen potential OPMs for competence, as you apparently can screen potential general contractors,…” Nov 23, 16:39on
- Planning Board Continues to Discuss University Drive Overlay District and Accessory Dwelling Unit Guidelines: “Approving additional floor space for retail should only be considered with some professional retail analysis for capacity and demand. Otherwise…” Nov 23, 14:32on
- Amherst Sets Townwide Speed Limit at 25 MPH: “In the 1990s, after seeing such town-wide limits in New York state, I got curious about the effect on travel…” Nov 23, 13:29on
- Letter: Town Council Has an Obligation to Investigate Financial Viability of Jones Expansion: “After a decade of controversy and trying to wrangle the Jones expansion into some kind of viable plan, how magnanimous…” Nov 23, 12:20on
- Town Council Hears About Four Ways to Pay for Amherst’s Major Capital Projects: “In response of the November 5 federal election, and the fiscal policies proposed by the incoming administration, municipal bond market…” Nov 23, 11:49on
- Opinion: Why We Lost the Future: “1 – This was not a mandate election given that the GOP nominee could not reach 50% of the vote.…” Nov 23, 09:44on
- Town Council Hears About Four Ways to Pay for Amherst’s Major Capital Projects: “And could the “estimates from contractors” to which Joe Cook refers perhaps include an estimate for geothermal/ground source as well…” Nov 23, 08:14on
- Planning Board Continues to Discuss University Drive Overlay District and Accessory Dwelling Unit Guidelines: “Thank you Amherst Indy for your coverage of the planning board. Also, thank you Archipelago for your straight forward presentation…” Nov 23, 07:35on
- Letter: Legislature Adopts New Solar Siting Act: “This reader finds it ironic that the Sierra Club’s link above fails to mention their own paper titled “Growing Solar,…” Nov 23, 07:12on
- Town Issues Statement Reaffirming Amherst’s Status as a Sanctuary City: “I think it’s great!!” Nov 23, 06:38on
- Opinion: Why We Lost the Future: “A point I didn’t make in this article is that this phenomenon of fear driving electoral politics isn’t going to…” Nov 22, 18:52on
- Jones Library Project Proposes No Further Changes to Design in Response to Historic Preservation Review: “The Section 106 process, required by both NEH and HUD provisionally-approved grants, so far has focused on the adverse effects…” Nov 22, 16:42on
- Opinion: Why We Lost the Future: “Thank you, Lou. It’s a hard truth. Back in about 2010, I thought, once people understand the impact of climate…” Nov 21, 13:08on
- Opinion: Equity Under Attack by Amherst Town Government #3: A Request For Inclusive ARPA Funds Distribution: “Chad, I think you rightly draw attention to one of Amherst’s central contradictions: the progressive politics of some are not…” Nov 21, 12:14on
- Budget Discussion Focuses on School Funding: ““He said that councilors hear many complaints about roads and sidewalks. Therefore, he advised against reducing the allocation to roads…” Nov 21, 08:56on
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Bylaw Updated. Lack of Clarity on Downtown Dorm Persists: “Then our only hope would be that Amherst College finds this situation to be uncomfortable and pull out of the…” Nov 20, 16:42on
- Letter: Town Needs Accurate Accounting of Jones Library Project Financials: “Anyone who listened to the Nov. 18 public forum on the FY2026 budget heard the litany of pleas for adequate…” Nov 20, 13:20on
- Town Council Hears About Four Ways to Pay for Amherst’s Major Capital Projects: “I am not sure how the numbers add up for repairs to the existing Library systems costing as much as…” Nov 20, 12:58on
- Letter: Town Needs Accurate Accounting of Jones Library Project Financials: “If the MHC does not approve of the library’s plan to eliminate, minimize or mitigate the identified adverse effects of…” Nov 20, 08:03on
- Letter: Town Needs Accurate Accounting of Jones Library Project Financials: “If the MHC (Massachusetts Historical Commission) does not approve/accept the requested “alternative analysis” from Amherst for the 106 review does…” Nov 20, 06:40on
- Letter: Town Needs Accurate Accounting of Jones Library Project Financials: “While I was overseeing capital projects for a nearby city it never occurred to me treat state or federal agencies…” Nov 19, 17:48on
- Opinion: Equity Under Attack by Amherst Town Government #3: A Request For Inclusive ARPA Funds Distribution: “I’m a private white guy living in Amherst, MA. As such a member of society, I believe I should do…” Nov 19, 16:09on
- Plans to Complete Jones Library Historic Preservation Review Remain Murky. Capital Campaign Again Fails to Submit Report: “There are many words that could be used to describe this plan but, quite simply, SELFISH seems to say it…” Nov 19, 13:48on
- Amherst Sets Townwide Speed Limit at 25 MPH: “Well, the new traffic calming measures (now a 20 mph safety zone), sought for over 30 years by residents along…” Nov 19, 13:24on
- Plans to Complete Jones Library Historic Preservation Review Remain Murky. Capital Campaign Again Fails to Submit Report: “I recently came across the following: “So I was most offended by the assertiveness of those who favored the bigger…” Nov 19, 11:14on
- Amherst Sets Townwide Speed Limit at 25 MPH: “I think it’s a joke. I can’t imagine any compliance except in a traffic jam when UMass employees check in…” Nov 18, 23:23on
- Amherst Sets Townwide Speed Limit at 25 MPH: “The late Mary Wentworth (along with Eduardo Suarez, both representing The Commons Group) proposed 25 mile-per-hour speed limits on town-owned…” Nov 18, 21:24on
- Opinion: The Coming Trumpocalypse and the Jones Library Expansion Project: “Mass. court decisions require that construction change orders be “incidental” to the project. The Jones Library project people have, successfully…” Nov 18, 18:47on
- Opinion: The Coming Trumpocalypse and the Jones Library Expansion Project: “This is, indeed, a sobering reality. Let’s not forget that Trump’s proposed economic policies are the natural progression of the…” Nov 18, 12:20on
- Letter: Town Council Has an Obligation to Investigate Financial Viability of Jones Expansion: “Mickey Rathbun is right to warn of the “very real danger that the town will lose $2.1 million in federal…” Nov 18, 09:05on
- Plans to Complete Jones Library Historic Preservation Review Remain Murky. Capital Campaign Again Fails to Submit Report: “This project is so full of flaws, withholding of information, excessive costs, and quite basically no need of expansion. We…” Nov 17, 22:18on
- School Building Project Still Stalled over Bid Protests: “Just another case of hurry up and wait, all involving tax payer funds. I wonder what a successful capital project…” Nov 17, 14:23on
- Plans to Complete Jones Library Historic Preservation Review Remain Murky. Capital Campaign Again Fails to Submit Report: “Rob, I think you can chalk that up to the Town Charter’s lack of separation of powers: the Executive Branch…” Nov 16, 21:34on
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Bylaw Updated. Lack of Clarity on Downtown Dorm Persists: “Janet and Ken are lawyers from Harvard and Yale law schools, respectively, i believe. Town Counsel is paid to represent…” Nov 16, 17:04on
- A Better World is Possible: Over 5000 Actions Offer a Glimpse of a Possible Non-Violent World: “I love ‘oppose and propose’! Imagining what else is possible for us humans, other than more of the same-old, same-old,…” Nov 16, 12:44on
- Plans to Complete Jones Library Historic Preservation Review Remain Murky. Capital Campaign Again Fails to Submit Report: “Nor do they mention that project leaders failed to notify the MHC of the time and place of the meeting…” Nov 16, 10:52on
- Spend December in Downtown Amherst: “Maybe downtown businesses would like to make suggestions about a place to park? Tongue in cheek with a nod to…” Nov 16, 10:51on
- Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Granby: “Granby has lower taxes and property values when compared to Amherst.” Nov 16, 09:35on
- Plans to Complete Jones Library Historic Preservation Review Remain Murky. Capital Campaign Again Fails to Submit Report: “In keeping with their track record of withholding information, the Trustees failed to share the contents of the letter from…” Nov 15, 22:55on
- Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Belchertown : “Thank you Hetty. I love reading these articles.” Nov 15, 12:20on
- Letter: Much Still to Be Considered Before Adopting Overlay District for University Drive: “Do town leaders and UMass/Amherst College administration meet to discuss student housing issues? Who is responsible for providing housing for…” Nov 14, 17:40on
- A Better World is Possible: Over 5000 Actions Offer a Glimpse of a Possible Non-Violent World: ““Those who will think deeply and reflect carefully, with the imagination to dream and the courage to seek out new…” Nov 13, 16:42on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “Here is a piece of fair-minded reporting from the Amherst College Student paper. https://amherststudent.com/article/jones-library-receives-first-under-budget-bid-for-renovation-project/ I noticed several of the people…” Nov 13, 08:53on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “Great idea, Tom! Or maybe the librarians can just stack the books up in a three, adjacent, thousand-foot-high piles; place…” Nov 13, 03:34on
- Letter: Much Still to Be Considered Before Adopting Overlay District for University Drive: “Everything seems to be “ shoe horned “ or compromised for some reason. Nothing is clean . It is presented…” Nov 12, 19:23on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “I think we should have a library like the one that the University has. I’m sorry, sarcasm is the only…” Nov 12, 15:29on
- The Cost of Higher Housing Costs: “I don’t understand what he wants to do? Maybe he could elaborate on the plan he has. But to answer…” Nov 11, 13:12on
- The Cost of Higher Housing Costs: “The business of Amherst is higher education, but the “ancillary” or “place-based” industry that profits from it is student housing.…” Nov 11, 12:54on
- The Cost of Higher Housing Costs: “You don’t need to be an LLC to recognize that Mr Monaco and previous commenters are right. Low income families…” Nov 11, 12:13on
- The Cost of Higher Housing Costs: “Mr. Monaco, spoken like the owner of an LLC. Year round residents are not scared of density or diversity. They…” Nov 11, 10:36on
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Bylaw Updated. Lack of Clarity on Downtown Dorm Persists: “The Planning Board needs to talk to the Town Attorney to figure this issue out. Even if PB members do…” Nov 11, 10:03on
- Almanac: Final Flowers: “On my way back to the parking lot at Mercy Hospital last week, I noticed that the witch hazel planted…” Nov 10, 23:31on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “Numbers — as long as you can count correctly — tend to be pretty objective. However, the contexts in which…” Nov 10, 20:30on
- Legality of $1M Jones Library CPAC Award Remains in Question: ““I don’t think we should take any CPA funds until 100% of Massachusetts communities are getting an equal distribution of…” Nov 10, 17:32on
- The Cost of Higher Housing Costs: “As long as Amherst residents who bought in cheap maintain the falsehood that eliminating some areas of single-family zoning will…” Nov 10, 16:50on
- Legality of $1M Jones Library CPAC Award Remains in Question: “What a curious mental operation KPLaw attorney Shirin Everett uses to arrive at her idiosyncratic conclusion, “In my opinion, it…” Nov 10, 14:49on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “Debra, There has been no indication at any public meeting that any more of the still outstanding $900,000 due to…” Nov 10, 12:50on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “Given recent national events, I am proud to have been in the minority.” Nov 10, 12:16on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “The Town Manager told a group assembled at The Works for “A Cuppa Joe with Paul” on Friday that all…” Nov 10, 10:29on
- The Cost of Higher Housing Costs: ““ Has anyone really considered the town should be spending less? Lowering the property taxes?” Yes, for many years now.…” Nov 10, 09:52on
- Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Hadley, Amherst’s Mother Town: “Adding here some information about a trail in Hadley: “Elizabeth Huntington Dyer Field & Forest is a 35-acre landscape that…” Nov 10, 08:28on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “Late last evening, when Ira Bryck’s interesting (AI-generated?) first comment appeared, I attempted to quickly post a terse response The…” Nov 9, 18:14on
- The Cost of Higher Housing Costs: “Has anyone really considered the town should be spending less? Lowering the property taxes? Whether or not people want to…” Nov 9, 16:36on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “It is sad, if not dangerous, that the town manager sees those who disagree with him as agitators, or worse.…” Nov 9, 14:51on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “Thanks, Ira! I agree with AI on this one, the Jones demolition-expansion is a “watermelon project.” How could it be…” Nov 9, 13:11on
- The Cost of Higher Housing Costs: “A very useful article, but there are many special factors that affect Amherst housing. First, it is a “college town,”…” Nov 9, 12:06on
- Opinion: Beyond Election Day: “Thank you!! This friend speaks my mind better than my own right now.” Nov 9, 11:46on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “Has the town received $900,000 due in January?” Nov 9, 10:34on
- Letter: Planning Board Should Reconsider Its Decision on Downtown Dormitory: “Thank you Janet McGowan for laying out the legal zoning issues raised by this alarming plan to build an Amherst…” Nov 9, 10:04on
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Bylaw Updated. Lack of Clarity on Downtown Dorm Persists: “If planner Malloy is right, and building commissioner Rob Morra doesn’t think a student residence is a dormitory because “each…” Nov 9, 09:06on
- Some Councilors Wary of Next Steps for Jones Library Project: “I am, proudly, one of the “lots of people or small group of people out there” whom Town Manager Bockelman…” Nov 9, 08:17on
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Bylaw Updated. Lack of Clarity on Downtown Dorm Persists: “It is time for the Town Manager to ask for legal review. The members of the PB won’t budge on…” Nov 9, 07:58on
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Bylaw Updated. Lack of Clarity on Downtown Dorm Persists: “Question from Planning Board chair Doug Marshall: What’s the problem? What’s the harm we’re trying to protect ourselves from? Answer:…” Nov 9, 06:23on
- Fate of Big Y Plaza Uncertain Following Hearing on University Drive Overlay District: ““I can’t help but feel like we are being precious about a strip mall, [but] I want the overlay district…” Nov 8, 18:38on
- Town Councilors Ask About Annual Budget Surplus: ““Bockelman said…the town must accommodate house moves…” Why? Where is it written that the “town” must accommodate house moves by…” Nov 8, 16:43on
- Amherst History Month By Month: The Bowker Auditorium At UMass Amherst: “I met the love of my life at Bowker in 1967, we got married in 1978, and return often for…” Nov 8, 14:29on