All Councilors present.Staff: Town Manager Paul Bockelman and Council Clerk Athena O’KeefeThe meeting was called...
All Councilors present.Staff: Town Manager Paul Bockelman and Council Clerk Athena O’KeefeThe meeting was called...
SOURCE: The Town Council will hold four Listening Sessions to collect comments from the...
Last week The Indy posed four questions to all of the candidates for Library Trustee....
REPORT: FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING (10/22/19) Present: Town Councilors Andy Steinberg (chair), Cathy Schoen (vice chair),...
Present.: All Councilors. Staff: David Ziomek, Assistant Town Manager, and Athena O’Keefe, Clerk of the...
The Town Manager’s slogan, “One Town, One Plan,” is clearly aspirational. It points to a...
Present: Lynn Griesemer (District 2), Alisa Brewer (At large), Darcy DuMont (District 5), Mandi Jo...
The question of the council’s authority was raised several times at the most recent regular...
Allaying concerns expressed for many years, the results of a new study clearly demonstrates that...
Millions of dollars in capital projects and equipment approved by Town Meeting remain unspent. Reports...
Report from the Jones Library Feasibility and Design Trustee Subcommittee (9-12-19) The Jones Trustee subcommittee...
Six weeks after recommending an appropriation of nearly $700,000 for engineering design work on the...