Friends of the Jones Library Wield Power Without Public Accountability
Fundraisers Shape Library Programming and Town SpendingThe Friends of the Jones Library System, Inc. (the...
Fundraisers Shape Library Programming and Town SpendingThe Friends of the Jones Library System, Inc. (the...
Treasurer Bob Pam Concerned Over Capital Campaign Trend and Programming Cutbacks The Jones Library Budget...
Some time ago, in my criticism of the plans to demolish and then rebuild parts...
Despite sailing through the Planning Board permitting process, the Jones Library renovation-expansion must receive approval...
When Amherst Town Councilors voted to borrow another $9.8 million for the Jones Library expansion...
The main order of business at the December 19 meeting of the Jones Library Board...
Report on the Meeting of the Amherst Town Council, December 18, 2023. Part 1 This...
In advance of a Town Council vote on December 18 to authorize another $10 million...
Read an analysis of this agreement by Toni Cunningham here.Scroll the document below to read...
In the most recent town council meeting, Mandi Jo Hannake, speaking in opposition to revising...
Report on the Meeting of the Jones Library Trustees, November 28, 2023 This meeting was...
As we have done in previous elections, the Indy offered candidates for the offices of Town Council,...